Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?

Like if you want to change something about yourself, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone to make it happen?Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?
yes but sometimes its good to get out of your comfort zone. never change because someone wants you to. sometimes change is good but sometimes it can go terribly wrong and you end up not liking that person anymore. so just be yourselfIs it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?
Yes sometimes you have to go out of your comfort zone to change ,but it matters what you're trying to change. Is someone else telling you to change or do you want to change? If you want to change.GREAT! But if its someone else telling you to change don't change because all that is, is peer pressure.
Yes, you have to. If you do what you always do, youll get what you always get, so if you want some change, then your comfort zone is one of the first things youll have to let go.
a little bit.but not too much.enough to change watever u need but not everything.u shouldnt change urself for anyone.
  • kids myspace
  • Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?

    Like if you want to change something about yourself, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone to make it happen?Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?
    Einstein said something like: doing the same thing day after day and expecting a different result is insane. If you want a different end result than the one you have now of course you are going to have to change or it will stay the same. If you continue to paint the fence with red paint you are going to have a red fence. Trust me I don't like anything to change but in order for my life to get better I HAD to go college and so here I am. It took alot but it was change for the good and boy was it out of my ';comfort zone'; it took three tries but I did it.Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?
    I don't think the notion of ';comfort zone'; is psychological; I'm just clarifying. However, it is only reasonable to think that changes (especially fairly dramatic ones) happen when a person gets out of his/her comfort zone (mostly: what that person is used to, and thus it is trivial and common in that person's life).

    Changes, by definition, entail risks. The comfort zone does not (hence the ';comfort'; part; changes can sometimes be distressing or unpleasant but necessary).

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?

    Like if you want to change something about yourself, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone to make it happen?Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?
    Yeah That is true. im the type of girl that doesn't realy speak. im more of a quite kinda girl and shy most times. in order for me to be noticed i had to push myself out of my comfort zone and speak up if i wanted to be heard other wise i wasn't going to get anywhere. and now things are different all because i pushed myself to speak up =]

    Agree or disagree: If it's comforting, then it's true?

    No. I disagree. Truth is a bit unsettling at times.Agree or disagree: If it's comforting, then it's true?
    Yes yes! This is true! LOL

    Once accepted!

    God Bless!

    Report Abuse

    Agree or disagree: If it's comforting, then it's true?
    Live in the truth.
    Clearly not.

    The most important Theological question, however, is ';if we don't know what is true, what do you think?';

    DISAGREE. TRUTH HURTS...sometimes.

    Some times the truth REALLY stinks. My wife said she didn't love me. That was true. She made my life a living HELL until I agreed to a divorce.

    I was in pain and suffering for 5 years. There is despair, then there is pathetic.

    I was pathetic. My friends told me to kill myself so I would ease THEIR pain. They woke me up, God bless their heathen souls:)

    Now I met a beautiful lady who loves me without measure, and while I wish no evil upon my ex, I am glad to have met this woman who has made me so happy.

    God works in mysterious ways.
    Disagree. Comforting would be - people don't die in car accidents. Truth, unfortunately, is very different.
    People only believe what they ';want'; too believe.
    Well, let's see.

    Your spouse is cheating on you but you wish to be believe they are being faithful because doing so is comforting. So, does that mean they aren't cheating on you, then? Nope.
    AD--%26gt;only goes one way, unto the END declared %26amp; written.

    Edify--%26gt;Exhort--%26gt;Unto Comfort that's void of Dis-Comfort.

    There is NO dis-comfort at all in ';the God of all comfort';.鈥?/a>

    Edify does not puff up with both comfort + dis-comfort.

    Edify isn't higher on a ladder dead ending short of enter.

    Edify builds up from below, to what's right of law vs grace.

    He that ascended, and higher than law law, first descended.

    Charity NEVER faileth? Charity edifieth: 1Cor 8

    First thing biblical ';charity'; notably does is ';edify';.

    Let there be LIGHT(ONLY)--%26gt;and there was GRACE(ONLY)

    The GRACE(ONLY) of our Lord J-%26gt;C with you-%26gt;all. Amen.
    There are many people who cannot accept that many of their cherished concepts are delusions, or baseless myths. So for them the ';truth'; is indeed whatever comforts them. There is no blinder person then the one who WILL not see.
    Disagree because it is not necessarily true.
    Of course not.
    disagree. you can comfort someone and lie to them.
    I disagree. Some people use chemical substances to comfort them. This is just a fake. Our only true comfort is Jesus.
    Heheh. I'm glad I have my lifetime supply of dough nuts to be here with me when my new 2670'; TV arrives (with the dish, of course). And it's so comforting to know for a fact that God is taking care of me, and when I die I'll go to heaven, unlike all those atheist Jews that attacked the World Trade Center.
    I've rarely ever known truth to be comforting. What hurts is other peoples stupidity and hypocrisy. And there are hundreds of millions of those idiots on the earth. The madness never ends.
    ';God helps those who help themselves';--comforting and true.

    (Actually it took me a while to think of something both comforting and true... It seems like it usually goes the opposite.)
    I would agree that it is true that some things are comforting
    Disagree.. being comfortable is purly subjective. Then again we could go into a philosophical debate on concepts of right and wrong .. :)
    Disagree, it's an obvious logical fallacy.
    Disagree. The truth is not necessarily comforting. Like, if one chooses the hell and then they will get there. Nothing comforting in that truth.
    I disagree.

    However, I see why you asked - it certainly seems that many of the believers here agree with it (e.g., all the ';Atheists, how can you believe there's no God? I couldn't go on if I thought life had no purpose'; posts).

    I find that stunning.
    Disagree, are you kidding? The truth usually hurts
    I disagree. Some people use ice cream to comfort them. This is just a fake. Our only true comfort is chocolate.

    If I needed true comforting, how would you do that?

    Gently place your head on my shoulder, put my arm around you, stroke your head, and let you get off it off your chest, all the while

    supporting you and letting you know everything will be okay.If I needed true comforting, how would you do that?
    You can even feel free to cry, if you need to.

    Report Abuse

    If I needed true comforting, how would you do that?
    I probably can't and that makes me sad
    Depends, what is your mood?
    sit by your side, listen to your problems and leave my shoulder for you to rest on
    give you a blanket
    Usually the tone of your questions or answers. Or that email that says ';Yo...I need to talk.'; I'm there. : )
    Come you over, sit down with you. Put my arms around you, give you a big hug, and let you cry on my shoulder, talk about what you need to get off your chest. Anything to make you feel comforted.
    My girlfriend would KILL me if she saw me responding to this question from a chick with THAT profile picture, hehe. But I am rather tempted...
    respond to your blogs of course
    Wine ya, and dine ya...
    With a hug and listening to you.
    I'd give you an ear to listen to your problems with. :)
    sit on the couch,pop some popcorn,turn off the t.v. and talk
    I麓d give you a hug and just listen and talk with you about whatever you wanted to talk about. :)
    hold you close, squeeze you and talk soft and loving in your ear
    in that get-up Blue i dnt think i would be any good to mind would be elsewhere.

    Give ya a great big hug!!!
    i'd meet you at the door with your favorite drink in hand, give you nice warm bubble bath, after that i'd give you a nice relaxing message massage and then i'd hold you until you fell asleep

    Is it true?being along and unemployed one can fine comfort in gambling.?

    and other unpoplar addition and make one ashame to be in the present of church member.Is it true?being along and unemployed one can fine comfort in gambling.?
    No one finds distraction and the satisfaction of self destructive rebellion.

    Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?

    Like if you want to change something about yourself, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone to make it happen?Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?
    Not at all.

    You could simply change your comfort zone, if you know how.Is it true that you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone for change to happen?
    Yes and no.

    Sometimes change comes to you.

    Other times you need to take a look at your life and decide if you are happy and satistifed with it. If not, make change happen for yourself. You deserve it.

    And, there are times when you just want to do something new- lifelong learning is excellent!
  • kids myspace
  • Is it true that women enjoy the comfort of being taken care of by men, yet also like the freedom-?

    -of equal rights? So women want to have the comfort of having men do most of the dirty work that makes the world go ground, yet women also want the freedom of having equal rights and power to make decisions?Is it true that women enjoy the comfort of being taken care of by men, yet also like the freedom-?
    Hey, there's plenty of women doing dirty work, like taking care of children and the elderly and disabled so I think it depends on the family, just who is taking care of whom. Hopefully, adults do have the right to make decisions about their lives, regardless of their gender..Is it true that women enjoy the comfort of being taken care of by men, yet also like the freedom-?
    You act like women don't do anything and men do all the work. There are actually more employed women than men right now and the world seems to be going around just fine. Women deserve equal rights just as much as men. We contribute just as much to society as men do.

    Is it true that when a mother wakes in the middle of the night to comfort a crying child, if she does it...?

    with patience and love and without uttering or thinking a single curse, then she recieves lots of sawaab? iv heard this and other things liek this. if its true, does anyone know how much sawaab? not tht im counting em up or nething n gna calculate my chances of getting into heaven lol, just out of interest.Is it true that when a mother wakes in the middle of the night to comfort a crying child, if she does it...?
    of course she will in sha Allah

    there is a lot of thawab/ajr/reward for a person who fullfils his/her duties so imagine how much thawab is in taking care of a baby day and night as a mother is expected to .

    keep in mind that even if you do it out of love you want to please God by not commiting any sin including cursing/complaining and by not taking shortcuts that may harm the baby.

    i take care of my kids because i am their mother and planned to have kids with my husband and they are my responsibility now, i also know that if i do think of Allah in every step and have the intent of pleasing him by doing my job well that i will get ajr (reward) from Him in sha Allah and i know that if i ever neglected/hurt my kids in any way then he will punish me for it .Is it true that when a mother wakes in the middle of the night to comfort a crying child, if she does it...?
    I think people worry too much about doing things for the sole purpose of gaining hasanat. I think that if you do something only for that pupose for example if you help someone, you really don't want to and it's a bother to you, but you do it because you think you will get points then it will do you no good. Why can't people be good without thinking of what they can gain from it?
    Siste Zainab, Assalamu Alaikum

    Two statements of Rasoolallah SAW

    1. Jannat is under the feet of mother

    2. Answering three times repeatedly, serve your mother and

    fourth time he said serve your father also

    Above two Ahadith are the proof of Ajar for mother who

    1. carries a baby for 9 months and go through hardships of


    2. delivers the baby suffering the worst pains of life

    3. Joy she gets and forgets all the babies when nurses

    gives baby in her arm wraped in white cloth

    4. breast feeds her for two years

    5. cleans and cares for baby until grows up to take care of


    Ajars of entire life can be weighted or calculated, but one should remember that a major sins or making a habit of committing a minor sins regularly can also wipe out all the Ajar we earned.

    For example some one in in habit of taking loans and never paying back collects so much sins in his record that on the Day of Judgment Allah will keeping part of his/her Ajars to the lenders until nothing is left. Then if more lenders come for their money against the perso, then Allah will transfer the sins of lenders into the account of this borrower until the scale of sins goes all the way down and borrower ends us in hell.

    May Allah help us live on the teachings of Islam.
    This is general ruling, we can't count Thawab (or sawab)

    To look after a child and suffer for it is an work of virtue. Whenever a believer gets unrest, injury and remain patient he/she gets thawab for it.
    what is sawaab?? I've never heard of this. Being motherly isn't something that buys you ';brownie points'; towards getting to heaven..its just something you do...out of love.

    Is that true, in this PC age, teachers dare not hug and comfort a child that falls and is hurt?

    Lawsuits abound, and the worse of it is to be charged as a child molester for touching a child that hears adults discussing things and will gain attention by lying about being touched on or near private parts.Why can't we see that it is better to let kids be kids and let them learn to do things requires just so much risk and this will be the way of their life in adulthood.Is that true, in this PC age, teachers dare not hug and comfort a child that falls and is hurt?
    First off you obviously have never taught school because the criminal background reports run on you through the FBI before a hire are pretty strict and rigid. Anyone with a criminal background or shady information that shows up on their report are not hired or permitted to teach.

    Secondly, even with those reports being run it isn't going to gaurantee that a kid would or would not lie about a teacher doing something inapproporiate if they didn't like the teacher in question and were looking to ';be rid of them';. That has been going on for decades in schools and just now because everyone is so paranoid of things it's gotten worse.

    Teachers are not permitted to touch students UNLESS the child is in need of protection from some danger while in the care of the school during school hours- such as they are getting the crap kicked out of them on the play ground by someone. Even then the teachers need witnesses and authorities are called in. Even with that you have to announce your intentions before you do something ';I'm going to pull you back and remove you from this situation'; you can't just go in and grab them. In some cases you don't do anything if there is a danger that the violence could turn on the teacher for interferring. It's a judgement call in the best interest of the student.

    Now a days in schools however many have gone with a no touch policy at all even for cases like that because they are paranoid about bad publicity coming from it in the local media or someone pushing a law suit on the district. It's gotten to the point in the past years that kids aren't even afraid of authority figures or penalties for their actions anymore because they have too much freedom and too many ';rights'; given to them. It's a fine line to walk as an educator. Parents anymore get ticked if you tell their child ';no'; on something or don't throw a party for them because they put their name on their paper properly. It's ridiculous. It's made discipline and structure that once existed in schools a joke and put the kids in charge. It needs to reverse and give control back to the teachers and administration, not to the children in the school. It isn't the teachers or the school that is the problem IMHO. It's all this modern parenting garbage of ';never tell them no'; or ';don't make them sit in time out for misbehaving because they will be scarred for life'; nonsense. Kids have the idea they are entitled to everything for no effort on their part. Until that notion is destroyed it isn't going to get better. The only thing they are entitled to is food, shelter, clothing on their back and the right to a equal access education until the age of 18 under public law 142-147. That's where their rights end until they become legal adults. Until then everything else they have given to them is privilege.Is that true, in this PC age, teachers dare not hug and comfort a child that falls and is hurt?
    Many older empty nest mothers and grandmothers would like to earn extra income in either working in or running a daytime child care home, but in many I heard them say that it is not worth the false accusations of child abuse that will come from a lot of finger pointers for reasons of jealousy and pure meanness. Teachers used to have better control of the classroom, but now control has been given to an uncaring government that only dumbs down to the low denominator that cares more about indoctrination than educational facts and skill development, Government does not want a wise self reliant voter to contend with to get it's regulations approved and passed into governing law, Many otherwise dedicated teachers are seeking other career vocations.
    Do you have a link to one of these lawsuits that abound to support your straw man argument?

    Is it true that rihanna is getting too close 2 jay-z for beyonce's comfort?

    It really won't be answered in this circumstance like this. None of us know Beyonce as a real person, so we would never know the scoop how ';she'; feels. Not some magazine, blabbing on about how Beyonce said she was depressed and furious from Rihanna, because it is probably a pure lie, or a messed-up truth. Jay-Z did hook up Rihanna to become an official singer, so we have to thank him for that. Rihanna just is thanking Jay-Z is return for his kind-hearted spirit. Beyonce will live on, and if she is getting angry and suspicious, she should break up with him. She is way more famous than him, and he doesn't REALLY deserve her, but whatever she feels comfortable for...

    Hope this solves your question!

    :-)Is it true that rihanna is getting too close 2 jay-z for beyonce's comfort?
    Who cares?Is it true that rihanna is getting too close 2 jay-z for beyonce's comfort?
    No, Jay-Z is a buisness man trying to make an artist out of rihanna, and its working cause shes good. No one can compare to Beyonce, there relationship is tight, it always has been, thats why you don't see them all over the tabloids.
    I don't think so..Rihanna said she loves beyonce' musis she got stage fright in front of her!it's just music producers trying to hook them up
    no, i don't think rihanna would even go 4 him,specialy wit dat big ol lips hanging out, plus, she's not gettin close 2 him, she's gettin close 2 nick cannon( i heard 1 day on BET.)
    I don't belive that is true. And besides Beyonce is already to oung for him Rihanna isn't even legal yet so that is just a rumor.
    Why would she do dat when she could have nick cannon.
    i'll pee in your spoup
    he is the one who is trying to mold her into beyonce but i actually like rhianna more than beyonce
    NO. I think ppl need to stop twisting things celebrities do in their lives outta proportion becoz that's how alot of unnecessary rumors like the one about Rihanna and Jay-Z circulate. People need to remember that Rihanna is still very new to this music industry. Prior to leaving her homeland BARBADOS, she used to live an ordinary life without a care in the world. Then she got a lucky break because she was at the right place at the right time. She was referred to Jay- Z who at first had no interest in meeting with her but then decided to give her a chance after lots of persuasion from her manager etc. From the moment he saw and heard her, he knew she was the next big thing that's y he signed her to Def Jam without delay. Now as her musical menthor, it's only obvious that he will have to spend time with her teaching her new things and helping her improve her game. How much time he spends with her however is not up to us to decide because none of us know and with her hectic schedule, they probably don't spend that much time together anyway. She might have to call him alot and that's expected cause as I said earlier, she's a new artise and still has alot to learn. Being Jay -z's girlfriend, i'm sure Beyonce is aware of that also and she would understand y it is necessary for them to spend time together when they have the chance, after all it's only business and Beyonce has first hand knowledge of how this industry works and the high demands that are thrown upon artise. So try not to believe everything u hear coz ppl will do anything to gain popularity even if means lying.
    Beyonce is a woman, Rihanna is just a little girl trying to be a woman. Jay-z is a man who knows the difference. He might enjoy a little tail-shaking from the young buck, but he wouldn't touch her. He's smarter than that. Beyonce has nothing to worry about. It's probably more hype than anything else...
    i think that its true but lyke my friends say beyonce better watch her man
    He would be pretty stupid to. There will never be another Beyonce. Never. Rihanna can take her non singing *** back to the island. And Beyonce doesn't need Jay Z anyway with his ugly ***. She can do so much better.
    I haven't heard that one, but if she is that ain't nothing but trouble.
    dont no for sure but i heard that 2
    thats what they say but i dont think either one should be wit jay-z hes UGLY but owell
    i really dont think thats true

    Is it true love when you keep going back to the same person or do you just feel a sense comfort and stability?

    I think it is a sense of comfort or stability... Remember why you left that person or why they left you??? Keep that in mind the next time you want to go back with them...Is it true love when you keep going back to the same person or do you just feel a sense comfort and stability?
    Can be both.Is it true love when you keep going back to the same person or do you just feel a sense comfort and stability?
    Comfort %26amp; stability. Paople are creatures of habit.
    probably comfort
    could be...

    ';better the devil you know';
    Probably comfort and stability. Ask yourself what the reasons are that you keep leaving this person in the first place. Human beings can become very addicted to other human beings' pheromones.
    it definately is true luv.cuz if it wasnt u would hav moved on or just went back once
    I don't think it is always true love. I think you have to pick apart your feelings for the person. If you are doubting your feelings then what does that tell you? Maybe there is a reason you have doubts. Sometimes people stay together just for the simple fact that they are with each other, it's hard to break the mold.

    Why do people confuse something that comforts them with something that is true?

    It is always easier to believe something if we agree with it.

    For instance, a lot of christians I know a happy to believe in the resurrection, but are a lot more uncomfortable with things like ';I come not to bring peace, but a sword';.Why do people confuse something that comforts them with something that is true?
    People answer and do things out of the morals and value's they were taught. They/ we hold on to these and they become part of us as we grow older. When we start questioning things we start questing the very things we were taught. They don't approve of this. but not everything is black and white and not everything is as it seems.People act out of fear. Either they want to be comfortable and know they are right or they want to protect you, not realizing that their opinion is not always right. PantherWhy do people confuse something that comforts them with something that is true?
    Because, if comforting is taking place, it makes sense to think that there is something doing the comforting. Why they can't think that works of fiction, false hope, and communal identity can't do this is the real issue.
    You need to be more specific. Oh, you mean the Bible comforts us but you don't believe it? lol It is very true and that's why it is comforting. The Holy Spirit shows us how it is true.
    You should try reading your bible more. Thinking for yourself can be very dangerous, especially under the upcoming palin age.
    because they are told from young age it is true

    and there is nothing to dispute that in their minds, as no evidence doesnt mean non existence to them
    When all is said and done, if it is not truth it does not really bring comfort. It brings destruction.
    because they don't understand what's true isn't always what they believe
    Because that comfort is only enhanced as they see that ';truth'; in affirmation.
    The truth will set you free! free from what? Free from enslavement of lies! But some people find more comfort in lies than in truth.
    Because people enjoy comfort and love their delusions.
    Because truth is relative.
    I don't. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. There is both comfort AND truth in this belief.
    Because if it's not true it won't comfort them any more. Duh. ;-)
    Because they WANT it to be true.
    Yeah, I agree. Atheism has always puzzled me.
    I don't know.. Ask the fundies.. They know a lot about this subject..
    because it's all the same.
  • kids myspace
  • Is it true that when hamsters groom themselves they are comforting themselves?

    I have heard that when they are nervous they clean themselves, is it true???Is it true that when hamsters groom themselves they are comforting themselves?
    yes, this is true of most mammals infact.. cats.. dogs.. even horses, will groom themself if stressed.. it comforts them, like a mother animal licking her baby.. it comforts the baby, so they are comforting themself.

    good hammy link鈥?/a>Is it true that when hamsters groom themselves they are comforting themselves?
    Yes, that's true. Though they also do it to get clean, too. :3

    Is it TRUE that every girl/guy is beautiful? OR is it a LIE just to comfort people?

    everybody has something that is beautiful about themIs it TRUE that every girl/guy is beautiful? OR is it a LIE just to comfort people?
    Yes indeed everyone is bueatiful we were all made by god and he produces nothing but bueaty. Bueaty is also from withinIs it TRUE that every girl/guy is beautiful? OR is it a LIE just to comfort people?
    Depends on what you think beautiful is....
    Remember, ';beauty'; is in the eye of the beholder.

    So it could be TRUE that every girl and guy is beautiful. You don't have to lie just to comfort that person. Mostly, people are looking at the individual's ';inside'; - what that person represents when others see him/her.

    Physically, a person can be absolutely gorgeous, the kind of beauty that is flawless with perfection written all over them. But if their personality is asinine, they become as ugly as roadkill. There is no mistaking it.

    But generally, if we look upon each individual for what they bring as a person and not their physical appearance, you will find many beautiful things about them.

    Now sometimes, ';ugly'; can be acquired. For instance, someone that has done drugs for so long, you're not sure they are man or beast. Or someone that has been on the alcohol binge for such a time, they reek of ugliness...and stench. Or...someone that really had the misfortune of being born of two most hideous creatures for parents. %26lt;jk%26gt;
    in a way everyone is beautiful.......its not always on the outside....thank goodness im beautiful inside and out
    Beauty cannot be defined, it is a subjective opinion. Everyone finds different people beautiful depending on their tastes. However I think it's true that we are all beautiful in the sense that each person is unique.
    It aint true
    it is true. everyone is beautiful in their own way, even if it isn't apparent. they could have beauty within them, or just have like beautiful fingers... that sounds awkward. w/e but yes, everyone is beautiful.. you just have to take the time to notice the beauty.
    I honestly believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, yes. And you must also remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I've seen some men who I thought were just gorgeous, while my friends are like ';Eh, he's ok...';

    Is one of these the true reason why you find so much comfort in your religion?

    i) There's a big daddy in the sky who will take care of you. (';Apple pie in the sky by and by'; as the song says)

    ii) It easier than giving the subject any real thought. ( All the thinking has already been done for you, it's written down in a book and all you have to do is believe.)

    iii) The truth that there is no god and humanity cannot rely on anything to save it but its self is frightening to you.

    Since in all their long history believers can come up with no better argument than faith (i.e. ';if I wish hard enough god will pop into existence';), where does the belief in god come from?Is one of these the true reason why you find so much comfort in your religion?
    no ...we are born again with wisdom and spirit...dont mockIs one of these the true reason why you find so much comfort in your religion?
    Christianity does not teach that Christians get an easy ride; in fact, it stresses that believers may well undergo great suffering in this life. It also makes people aware of their fallenness, of their sinfulness, and that can hurt. For all the comfort that Christianity offers in terms of eternal security, even its teachings about eternity have a downside; many Christians face the painful experience of expecting close friends and relatives to face just punishment for their sins.

    If believers were really just after comforting beliefs, then they could do a lot better than Christianity. For example, they could believe that suffering is just an illusion, that there are no moral constraints that oblige us not to do what we want to do, and that all (not just Christians) are destined to enjoy a blissful afterlife in heaven.

    These beliefs, though, are all seen as heretical by the Christian church. Why? Because Christianity isn鈥檛 mere wishful thinking
    Trust. I trust God.

    I don't find comfort in religion.
    Sorry, those are all dumb reasons. Couldn't you come up with some more realistic reasons? My faith is at a level of knowledge. Just Like I have never been to Manchuria. My heart and mind tells me there is a Manchuria. My faith is actually Knowledge, becuase the spirit of the holy Ghost has testified to me that Jesus is the Christ. There is a loving, kind Father in heaven. I know there is a holy Ghost, because I have felt his prescence many times when I have prayed and when I have not. I have received visions and revelations that have confirmed and made my knowledge stronger. YOu nor any other person in this world can take this away from me. It is part and parcel to me. I feel sorry for you.
    All three reasons are valid dear.

    There is also a psychological reason that is important:

    When you suffer from schizoid delusional mental disorder, it's comforting to meet other people that share the same delusions...
    Can you disprove the existence of God?
    religion is the ';opiate of the masses,'; and strongly discourages thinking, which is why atheists are constantly bombarded with the same question relating to evolution and why monkeys still exist. To believe in god as defined by man's invention of him, the self must be denied; it is a degeneration of the power that the human mind possesses.
    Your question presumes that the primary motivation for faith is comfort. This is a western idea that is largely influenced by the ninteenth century theologian, Frederich Schielmacher-- it is not a constant, or a universal catagory that applies to universally to religion. As far as the origin of belief in God or gods, there is also no generalized principle that applies across the board to all spiritual traditions. Theorists such as scholar Walter Burckert hold an orientation towards religion to be inherent in human biology (see his ';Creation of the Sacred';). Rene Girard has some interesting theories in his work ';Violence and the Sacred'; But these postulation has little to say about the veracity of particular religious claims.

    For many, belief in God originates in the experience of the contingent nature of finite reality, which seems to presuppose a non-contingent reality to account for its existence. This non-contigent reality is identified by some as God. Others note the mystery of the intelligibility of existence, that we can know reality and discern meaning indicates a logic from which the universe owes its existence. This logic, is what some call God.
    The belief in god comes from fear and ignorance of the unknown. Since the dawn of man, we've been attributing what we fear and don't know to a god. It storms, the earth quakes, God must be angry. It's sad really!
    None of these are my reasons. It would be much easier to ';believe'; that we are in control. It would be much easier for me to say I have to answer to no one for my actions.
    No not any of them
    Ahah, High Five!

    There all so true.

    Im not religeous..

    Because god isnt real.

    People just pray to him to give them someone to pray to,*my friend can put it in good words, but she not here right now xP*

    And when people say ';can you prove that the exsistance of his isnt real?';

    You say ';can you prove hes acually there?
    ';There's a big daddy in the sky who will take care of you.';

    I don't think of God like that, I think of God as something that knows we can be better then what we are now because of sin and who died to show us how love should be.

    ';It easier than giving the subject any real thought.';

    I've given the subject a lot of thought, and every time I do, I come back to God as right.

    ';The truth that there is no god and humanity cannot rely on anything to save it but its self is frightening to you';

    No, I do believe that while God may help us in some circumstances, it's ultimately up to people to do it themselves.

    As for being afraid there is no God. No, I've never been afraid to think that way, I used to be an atheist. I do however, believe you are afraid of the possibility that there is a God.
    I find it hard to believe humans are an accident. Take a basic anatomy course. The exact precision required in and between each organ to keep you alive suggests there is something behind the human design.

    Where does your belief in evolution come from. Do you find it scary that humanity's destiney is out of its oewn hands? Do you think that because something is published in a scientific journal means it is automatically right? Do you like the idea that there will be no retribution for the crimes you've committed on earth?

    Do you see how esy these blatant insults can be turned around?

    Is it true that 'GOD believers' just need a shoulder to cry on, and a need for comfort?

    In someone who understands human kinds' animal nature?

    Is this what strikes our fears?Is it true that 'GOD believers' just need a shoulder to cry on, and a need for comfort?
    Don't YOU ever need a shoulder to cry on? or are you an island unto yourself?

    BTW, YOU may be an animal, but I'm certainly NOT! I'm created in God's IMAGE!Is it true that 'GOD believers' just need a shoulder to cry on, and a need for comfort?
    Yes it helps. But when that personal ';relationship'; that gives you comfort becomes forced on others, God mearly becomes an selfish excuse for power.

    EXAMPLE: Christianity has a personal relationship with God but if you do not follow you are condemned to hell. Paganism you have a personal relationship with God but there is no punishment for not doing so.
    No, it is not true. I don't need to cry on anyone's shoulders.
    No it aint true. us God believers have God and Jesus and our familys to be there for us and to comfort us.
    I'm a ';God believer';; however I don't need a shoulder to cry on as you put it.

    Why do you mock those who have come to know that God is REAL?

    Why do you even care about us ';God believers';?

    Are you here to cause havoc or learn more about God?

    Do you fear us? If so, don't.. you better fear God!!! He is the one in who holds your future.
    Not JUST but SOMETIMES,and animal nature is inferior to ours although the world in general don't portray it.
    We don't need A shoulder to cry on....

    We cease crying when we know God. He brings us a peace that no one or nothing has ever brought us. We still have trials and bad days, but nothing is that sad anymore. God fills us with a strength that carries us through anything.

    So no we don't need a shoulder to cry on because we have peace. Your condasention tells me you don't have that peace.

    Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an .......?

    Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an advance on his new autobiography to be entitled '; How to Make Enemies and Kill People Without Even Trying Or How I Drank Myself Sober';? The book is also to have a short foreword from Saddam Hussein called ';Live Life And Stop Hanging Around Alcoholics';.

    Will YOU read it?

    Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an .......?
    I would not be at all surprised!Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an .......?
    I think you are confused. What happened is that Barrack Obama has been offered an 8 - 10 year supply of cocaine by Columbia, neighbor of Venezuela, which is run by Obama's Socialist buddy, Hugo Chavez. Obama has stated that he plans to be president for ';8 to 10 years'; so the supply should keep him the entire time.

    There was another blurb about Russia providing caviar to soothe the habit of the lovely racist Mrs. Obama, but I couldn't find supporting documentation.

    People will read anything. They read the trash that Obama wrote, despite the fact that Bill Ayers actually wrote the second book.

    Get your facts straight. Things will make far more sense to you then.
    Wonderful idea. However I think southern Comfort may be a little cheap - don't you. What about a proper Scottish Malt Whisky - but the best of those whiskies probably don't make sufficient to supply 8 years free to GWB!

    Great question though - at least somewhere in the world a sense of humour is flourishing.
    Surely you can come up with something better than that. How about:

    Dubya - Yea, I done it, and I'd done it again if given the chance!

    Ya know what, if you cleaned up the grammar and spelling...

    Clinton - Yeah, I did it, and I'd do mean it again if given the chance!
    Well if Bush touched it, it must be bad! I would stay away from it. However i might be intrigued to read the part from Saddam Hussein he sounds like a pretty popular guy :). At least more popular then the voted, worst president in history. What was 27% lmao.
    It will be a while. I understand George has not finished reading that elementary school book he was trying to read during 911.
    Oh i heard it was called How to avoid the men in white coats while saving the world.Saddam's foreword was how using the Euro bought me from riches to rags.
    Southern Comfort isn't a whiskey. It's a liqueur derived from whiskey.

    He doesn't drink and won't be tempted by such an offer.

    I think the book that will sell well is going to be:

    ';How I am a Black Racist who think the Constitution needs to be trashed'; by Obama

    That started off moderately humorously but, sadly, degenerated.

    were you on Southern Comfort?
    Did you just ask me if I would read a piece of literature authored by George Walker Bush?

    Hell yes , I will read it . I believe anything about Bush .
    People will believe anything.
    Silly and child like
    Oh, pl can someone put some cyanide in it?

    Do you think some people just find religion morally comforting but know its not actually true?

    Is that fair and do you think it could apply to a hell of a lot of people?Do you think some people just find religion morally comforting but know its not actually true?
    There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dares not face this thought! Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.

    - Bertrand RussellDo you think some people just find religion morally comforting but know its not actually true?
    personally, i don't really see how anyone would derive comfort from something they know not to be true. think about it, take someone whose belief arises out of a fear of eternal torment, how could they possibly find any sort of consolation in some notion of eternal peace or heaven if they did not genuinely believe it? the fear would not even be there in the first place (and pascal would have wasted his time formulating his famous wager).

    your choice of words is interesting, 'morally comforting' - what does that mean? are you talking about people who go through the motions of going to church not because they have a spiritual or religious dimension but because they have a fear that without religion there would be descent into chaos and immorality and are happy, therefore, to preserve the status quo? or are you talking about some sort of cognitive dissonant scenario?

    i think lucid's quote can be said to be true of many, but as i have pointed out frequently in this forum, you are going to get believers who are thoughtful and introspective and you are going to get believers who are less so, just like you get good and poor practicioners in every field.
    How does someone ';know'; something?

    No, I don't think some people find it morally comforting, but I'm inclinced to think they do it out of tradition more than anything else.
    I think some people find comfort in religion without making the 'leap of faith' that some believers make in order to accept evident falsehoods as 'religious truths'.
    The structure and traditions can be comforting to a lot of people.
    I think that may be a fair statement.
    Yes, I have wondered this myself, I think you maybe right.
    Yes, people are emotionally weak, but I don't think they're that stupid
    We all know that not all religious people are moral, so NO.
  • kids myspace
  • Ladies, how much do you VALUE the comfort and warmth of a TRUE friend ?

    And when I say friend. I mean this. Somebody who is going to help

    you when you are up, or when you are down. Somebody who is

    there when you are going through an emotional storm. Somebody

    who will listen to what you have to say as a person, and not judge

    you. Someone who will be a shoulder for you to cry on. How much

    do you value a true friend ?Ladies, how much do you VALUE the comfort and warmth of a TRUE friend ?
    My husband is my best friend, a true friendship is something so precious, you should never let it go.Ladies, how much do you VALUE the comfort and warmth of a TRUE friend ?
    In my entire life I only had one of those. She helped me with the fight of my life, so to speak; she helped me in the fight to save my reputation. Now, she lives over in Iran, and I have no idea, she may be dead; she was suffering from a degenerative disease when I saw her last and that was over 15 years ago.
    I agree with kiki.

    I only have one true friend, and value her alot.

    I also have a boy friend, but he's more like my best friend, and he's really great, too. (:
    I wouldn't know. I don't have one of those people in my life. It sucks. I would hope that people who have a friend like that would treasure their friendship and appreciate how lucky they are.
    Whoa, eat fortune cookies much? :P

    Seriously, good friends are hard to come by. I value mine tremendously.

    This Comfort Inn Bayswater is the true for employment by Mr. Scott Morgan?

    See below my attachment email from Mr. Scott Morgan

    Human Resources Management




    PHONE: +447031923758

    Dear Job Seeker,

    We found interesting and we have decided to contact you and notify you about our present recruitment for the year 2008.

    On behalf of staffs and managements of Comfort Inn Hotels Bayswater London ..I wish to inform you that there are vacancies for employment in our reputable Hotel. These vacancies were created as a result of the temporary onward relocation of our foreign expatriate staffs that will go for further training, while others were sent on compulsory retirement due to there official retirement period. As a result the Hotel hereby advertises the following job vacancies to suitably qualified candidates. We also require teachers that can tutor workers while on further training. Below are the vacancy and payment. Payment are paid in UK local currency.

    (1) Washing Cars in the Hotel. Great Britian Pounds2700

    (2) Cleaning the Hotel Room. Great Britian Pounds2700

    (3) Sales in the Bar. Great Britian Pounds2800

    (4) Entertainers. Great Britian Pounds2500

    (5) Chances for Electricians/plumbers. Great Britian Pounds2350

    (6) Working as an agent of the Hotel. Great Britian Pounds3000

    (7) Drivers. Great Britian Pounds2500

    (8) Dancers. Great Britian Pounds2500

    (9) Computer Operators. Great Britian Pounds4000

    (10) Washing Dishes. Great Britian Pounds2200

    (11) Working as an Accountant. Great Britian Pounds4000

    (12) Working as a security. Great Britian Pounds2050

    (13) Deputy Manager with qualifications. Great Britian Pounds8000

    (14) Human Resource Manager. 7500

    (15) Receptionist. Great Britian Pounds2000

    (16) Medical Attendant. Great Britian Pounds4500

    (17) Qualified English Teacher. Great Britian Pounds4500

    (18) House Keeping Attendant Great Britian Pounds4000

    (19) Security Great Britian Pounds 3000

    (20) IT Consultant - Great Britian Pounds4000

    (21) Techinacians Great Britian Pounds3500

    (22) Network Administrator and

    (23) Developer Great Britian Pounds4000

    (24) Hotel representative Great Britian Pounds4000

    (25) Chefs Great Britian Pounds4000

    (26) Reservation Desk - Great Britian Pounds5000

    (27) Ski Instructors/Instructors with qualifications Great Britian Pounds4500

    (28) Football Coaches for sports activities Great Britian Pounds 5500

    (29) Motor mechanics Great Britian Pounds 4000

    (30) English Teacher with qualifications Great Britian Pounds 4500

    (31) Book keepers Great Britian Pounds4000


    * Your age must be 18 years and upward.

    * Generally your education must be above secondary education.

    * Must be reliable and trustworthy.

    * Must be law-abiding and adhere strictly to the

    Rules and regulations guiding the operations of the Hotel

    * Those seeking for higher position such as Human Resource managers,

    Assistant Manager e.g. must have must obtained qualification

    And working experiences which could be relevant to the position being

    Sort for.

    Please Reply to

    If you would like to apply, submit your application/CV to The General Manager (.......................................鈥?email ........................................鈥?for standard application and procedures. The hotel management will help you get your work permits and visas at the UK Home Office (British Embassy) for suitably qualified candidates


    Mr. Scott Morgan

    Human Resources Management

    Hotel management will help you get your work permits and visas at the UK Home Office (British Embassy) for suitably qualified candidates


    Mr. Scott Morgan

    Human Resources ManagementThis Comfort Inn Bayswater is the true for employment by Mr. Scott Morgan?
    No, I'm sorry, this is not true. This email is a scam, and they will in the end ask for your personal details and use them to either set up false bank accounts in your name, or try to get money from you.

    Don't fall for it. You didn't apply for a job with them, did you? So why are they writing to you, how did they find you? Also, the phone number is a mobile number, not an actual business number. The email address provided is a address, which a hotel chain would not use, they would use one that reflects the name of their hotel, e.g.

    TRUE OR FALSE: Money can't buy happiness but it can provide comfort; however, greed will only lead to misery?

    This is the most true statement in the world. I was born into wealth and was lucky enough to earn a very good amount of money on my own. I have learned that money is not the key to happiness, God, family and friends are. Money CANNOT buy love or happiness. People who think it can are so wrong. I think I am happy because I know that everything I have I owe to God and know that I have to continue to give back each and everyday. I take absolutely nothing for granted.

    Peace, Love %26amp; HappinessTRUE OR FALSE: Money can't buy happiness but it can provide comfort; however, greed will only lead to misery?

    I have a few ';wealthy miserable friends';

    and I watch the greedy ones, as they go broke, and loose

    all friends, and hope for happiness!TRUE OR FALSE: Money can't buy happiness but it can provide comfort; however, greed will only lead to misery?
    I don't care to, much for money

    Money can't buy me love

    Can't buy me love

    Everybody tells me so

    Can't buy me love

    NO NO NO NO NO!!!
    part one is true, part two is false, because life is unfair. Bad people sometimes win in the game of life!
    totally true, Sylvester
    Very true. I don't know one very rich and totally happy person, and prolly never will..
    True, true. The way of the world in a nutshell.
    That is true

    that is very true.
    I totally agree with you on that

    Is it true?being along and unemployed one can fine comfort in gambling.?

    and other unpoplar addition and make one ashame to be in the present of church member.Is it true?being along and unemployed one can fine comfort in gambling.?
    Maybe you should take some English classes. Then you would learn to write better, and you might meet some interesting people. It's cheaper and less destructive than gambling.Is it true?being along and unemployed one can fine comfort in gambling.?
    Yes you can find comfort in gambling, because your grammar is terrible.
    Do you mean being ';alone'; and unemployed one can ';find'; comfort in know they have a ';check spelling gismo'; on here if you would like to use it.....that being said, yes you can find comfort in gambling as it takes your mind off stuff and gives you instant gratification if you win.......don't know about being ';ashamed'; in front of a church member thinking is the church member probably gambles too sometimes.
    yes,I believe it is true.I'm rowing in that same boat and gambling makes me feel better for some reason.Like I'm doing something for myself,or participating in something.
    You have little or no money to waste. Gambling with not help anything BUT can make things MUCH worse. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Look for the job and hold your head up.
    um... if you're ashamed of something, prob a good indication shouldn't do it.

    You must realise the Bad in order to appreciate the GOOD and to suffer before having the comfort in LIFE,True?

    You must experience the bitterness %26amp; sourish feeling of failure in order to fully enjoy in full the happiness of success. You must realise the Bad in order to appreciate the GOOD and to suffer before having the comfort in LIFE,True?

    this is incredible !!!!!

    i was thinkin about the exact same thing the other day when i had the most painful stomach ache!!!(must av been da junk food i ad)!!

    and i thought to myself that i always unnappreciate what its like to be healthy and pain free until i realised when i had the stomach ache that most of the time when i am healthy and pain-free i forget that and now its like a new found respect to everyday things!!! You must realise the Bad in order to appreciate the GOOD and to suffer before having the comfort in LIFE,True?
    i agree!

    nothing like a case of strep throat to make you really appreciate being able to swallow without agony!

    or if i hurt myself accidentally, like bang my kneecap real hard, it hurts like hell but it reminds me that i'm a living, breathing,feeling creature!

    or when a beloved pet dies, as sad as it is, it's worth the heart ache because of all the joy it gave me.
    I think in the process of Life in general .... without the BAD

    Experience's .....people cannot understand how good sometimes

    that they really have it.

    A lot of the generation now. have not experienced what their

    grandfarthers or great grandfathers had to go to war at 16/19 so to try and look at a 19 year old then, and now !

    I rest my case.... it is like chalk and cheese.
    you are only asking the fewer that got to a conscious state of earth knowledge , but for the few your talking to we say no you don,t have to go through pain to gain happiness,
    You must understand the balance between them. The glass is both half empty and half full, wisdom is seeing the world for what it truly is.
    yes. it is called humility. God wants us to learn what humility is by the trials %26amp; tribulations he places before us.-blurey
    yeah very true because if you dont experince bad things you wont know how good you have it so u cant be as happy

    I need some dental work done thinking of going to comfort dental,but i heard their not it true.

    check with patients who had been there.I need some dental work done thinking of going to comfort dental,but i heard their not it true.
    If you don't have insurance, go there and buy their insurance plan and have your work done there. but if you have insurance, and it's accepted at a better dentist's office, avoid comfort dental... you can do better.

    Report Abuse

    I need some dental work done thinking of going to comfort dental,but i heard their not it true.
    You should go and inquire first. If you can't, go elsewhere. I have never personally been to Comfort Dental.
  • kids myspace
  • Is it true that money can't buy happiness, but you can be miserable in comfort?

    Yes I agree with that. Although I do think I would be a little happier with more money. I do find that there are a lot of rich people who complain that they don't have everything. I think if you are materialistic then money might buy you happiness but I also agree with the dude who said about people on really high incomes living pay0check to pay-check because they are just so rubbish with money. That really annoys me. It's so unfair that someone with a 6 figure income chooses to live like that but someone like me, who is really good with money, has real problems sometimes.Is it true that money can't buy happiness, but you can be miserable in comfort?
    Yes, my mother always used to say, money can't buy happiness, but it's darned hard to live without it.Is it true that money can't buy happiness, but you can be miserable in comfort?
    Money can't buy happiness, but saving money brings happiness.
    i think you know the answer to that

    Having a lot of money can't bring happiness. But creating money means having money after a lot of hard work or smart work can give happiness.Being miser in comfort may help you in some manner can give you benefit for e.g. sometimes we buy unnecessary things at that time miserness really helps us but to be miser in some manner can hurt yourself .According to me money can only buy happiness because it is the sign of inteligence of man. He creats the money. Money can be only in their hands who have brains .Man has got brain %26amp; he uses it .Hence money can't buy happiness it brings happiness if it has came from right way
    money can't buy happiness, but it can make a person happy.
    not really.

    if you had no money you wouldnt beable to buy a computer to ask this simple question
    There is very little correlation between income and happiness. See this study:鈥?/a>

    I have also read studies indicating that happiness actually declines above certain income levels: in general, people appear happiest when their income provides for their basic needs and provides security and stability with sufficient funds for some pleasure uses. Above that level, the pursuit and management of the higher income levels tends to produce enough stress to offset any potential gain from the additional income. Basically, middle to upper-middle class individuals tend to report the highest levels of satisfaction with their lives.
    It all depends on your values and beliefs. If you truly think that things and a superficial lifestyle will bring you happiness, no matter what, then yes, money can buy happiness. For others, however, as long as they're with the ones they love and have good health, they don't need material goods to be happy. It's all a matter of personal opinion.

    I, for one, know that money itself and the things it buys doesn't, generally, make me happy. However, as someone pointed out, money bought this computer I'm on and the internet to connect me to all of my friends across the country and in other countries. Therefore, I do believe it's possible to find happiness in the things money buy. Once again, though, it's all a matter of preference and opinion and is different from person to person. You have to decide what makes you happy, and more than likely, money will have some factor or influence.
    Yes, I think this is true. But in our society we delude ourselves into thinking otherwise. Let's face it; most people are really lousy at managing money. I know people with six figure incomes who live paycheck to paycheck because they don't have the self-discipline to live within their means. Also, all the marketing clowns are very good at convincing you that all you need to do to be happy is to buy whatever they happen to be selling that day.

    The only true happiness is through salvation with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That's not to say your life will be perfect after accepting Christ, but it sure helps you keep things in perspective. I know some very wealthy people who appear to be very unhappy and some others of humble means who do know true happiness.
    Well, money can buy me chocolate, chocolate makes me happy, so no, it's not true that money can't buy me happiness!!!!

    I've not got much money and I'm not miserable either. :)
    money doesn't bring happiness but it helps when you go for the messages lol
    It may not buy happiness, but it does pay for the roof over my head and the food in my fridge and my fridge.
    Definately true! Use Victoria Beckham as an example - does she look happy? No, she's probably very miserable in comfort!
    Given the choice I would prefer to be rich and unhappy than poor and happy !
    Give me all of your money and I'll test it out for you and give you a real life answer!

    Has anyone tried the comfort furnace? It sounds too good to be true!?

    Looks like its just an infrared heater. Nothing special.

    Is this true trails help us comfort others?

    do we have to have a mess to have a message?........................... do we have to have a test to have a testamoneisIs this true trails help us comfort others?
    I believe that without trials and tests we would satisfy the requirements for living out this existence. I also believe that without trials and tests, we have no empathy for others. Not sympathy, I think we can be sympathetic to people's hurts and troubles but you can't have empathy for them which entails that you have experienced a similar level of pain/hurt. When someone who has never had a baby says ';Oh labor is really hard';, well, they just don't have the same credibility as someone who has had a baby or two and actually experienced it.Is this true trails help us comfort others?
    LOL playing with words, are we?

    Ok, let's look at this seriously.

    Whom do people believe....someone whom had never experienced what they are talking about or someone whom has?

    Can people truly understand what another may be feeling if they haven't experienced it?

    I have always thought I had great empathy, caring, and sympathy for people...but then I would go through an experience that showed me I was wrong....and wish I could take back any thought, word, or deed that I had mistakenly thought was ';truth'; about that particular matter.

    The term ';walk a mile in their shoes'; can only go so far if you don't literally do it....

    So, yes, it's best to have a trial, mess, and test, in order to be more greatly of use to comfort people. :)

    Peace be with you :)
    Sorry,this is unintelligible.
    Of course it's true. You can't really sympathize with someone or understand where they're coming from until you've been there too.
    WTF R U ON?

    Do we need a test to have testicles?

    Is it true that putting Your refrigerator in front of the door of your comfort room is bad luck for feng shui?

    for sure it is....

    Is it true that language can bring us comfort like nothing else can?

    that we feel safer with a crazy but talkative person than with a crazy who refuses to talk?Is it true that language can bring us comfort like nothing else can?
    depends what the crazy is saying surely?

    i'd take a deep breathing silence over

    ';i'm gonna cut off your legs';

    any day!Is it true that language can bring us comfort like nothing else can?
    I would say no. Last November we almost lost a baby in our family A woman who spoke no English saw me crying and came and gave me a hug.

    Report Abuse

    No. Most talkative people have nothing important to say. They just want to fill the silence, because they are uncomfortable with it. The crazy who refuses to talk has internalized their issues, and that's fine with me. Silence is golden.

    Are you at peace with being right of discomfort/comfort, or is true peace above such divisional partiality?

    I would have to say your question must be some sort of allegory in itself since it makes absolutely no sense in any other context. There's a grunch in the eggplant over there. Explain this in a spiritual sense.
  • kids myspace
  • The true meaning of comfort zone,it is with regards to human attitude?

    how to overcome your comfort zoneThe true meaning of comfort zone,it is with regards to human attitude?
    There are three zones in life:

    1. the comfort zone

    2. the battle zone

    3. the profit zone

    Most people are kept in the comfort zone by the news media, ad agencies, corporations. These mass institutions want you to stay COMFORTABLE and keep doing what you've always done.

    The Battle Zone is when you decide to go for your dream (it could be launching a business, going for a dream (but risky) career, etc.

    The Profit Zone is when you become financially independent or incredibly happy.

    Most people live their entire lives in the Comfort Zone and so, in my humble opinion, they completely miss the point of life.

    John Paul Newman put it best: ';Growth is the only evidence of life.';

    Atheist seek the truth and Christians seek comfort. true or false?

    Atheists will read a bible with no problem but you coudn't even pay lots of Christians to even go to an atheist website. Debates can lead to who's right and who's wrong. Atheists are willing to debate but I've wittnessed lots of Christians back down from a debate with atheists.Atheist seek the truth and Christians seek comfort. true or false?
    i dont know about that. but i do think that many christians cant really handle hearing ppl talk about ';god'; in a way that implies there isnt one. i know plenty of christians that would argue it all day and night with you. and i bet you'll get a few that will answer this Q.

    but when you boil it all down, you cant prove that god does/does not exist. just because ppl say he does, or a book says so, that doesnt give us any proof. i've read a book about a talking cat in a hat, and some green eggs and ham. that doesnt mean its true. and just because theres no proof that god exists, that doesnt disprove his existence. the absence of evidence is NOT, the evidence of absence. once upon a time everyone ';knew'; that the world was flat, because there was no proof otherwise. well, guess what, they were wrong. i've never seen a billion dollars. prove to me it exists. unless you can put it in my hands, i dont need to believe you. well, i bet you've never seen it either, but guess what, we believe its out there.Atheist seek the truth and Christians seek comfort. true or false?
    Everyone should seek the truth. When you find it you will find comort to boot. If you find it you will have found Jesus because He IS Truth.
    The first thing I want to say never win someone by debate. You might have proven something to them, but have you really convinced them? You most likely have just made them feel foolish and belittled. There is a saying, ';A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.'; There is no need to debate. Secondly, most (I say most because there are some that don't)people seek comfort. It is just comfort will come in different ways for different people.鈥?/a>

    There is a link to a video of Dr Habermas making Atheist spokesman/debator Anthony Flue run with his tail tucked in reference to the ressurrection.
    Actually I think a lot of time is wasted on debating people who the Bible considers fools. I used to go to Atheist websites but found them to be boring with the same old Christian hate lines. So if you want to marvel at how dumb a person can be then DEBATE an atheist. If you want to LEARN then talk to a Christian.
    true, i am not an athesist but i have personal experience. In many of my experiences with Christians when i have sincerely genuinely wanted to know the answers to questions and tried to understand they attacked me and wouldn't answer a single question. I guess to some christians ignornance is bliss, as long as they don't have to know why but take things just on the surface.
    There is no comfort in being a Christian. Hey where do I sign up for me and my beliefs to be the brunt of half the late night jokes, half the scripts in hollywood, ALL the videos on MTV and almost any college professor I could possible have. I want to live in a world where everything that I hold dear is presupposed by every possible public venue to be a lie, fable, or fantasy. Hey, unless you are dealing with a very mature Christian or a veteran of multiple debates, then you are dealing with a Christian, who like any one, doesn't like to take on a ten fold advantage in numbers and culture. Try being an atheist in Iran or Egypt and you will get the idea of shying away from certain settings. Plus most Christians were not born that way. It is not genetic. They use to participate in atheism and defend it. They already know what you have to say because they were the ones saying it.
    well im not sure what i am but i am sure that if im anything im a person who likes proof of things before i devote myself to it. and yes... some christians say its a ';sad thing'; that atheists dont believe but i think it goes too damn the chicken and the did we get here?
    False. You can neither prove nor disprove of the existence of god.

    While i think that all religions serve the purpose of comforting unanswerable questions regarding existence, it could also be argued that atheists seek comfort in not having to adhere to the discipline of religion. Einstein* said that he was studding gods creation and that ';god does not roll dice.'; So, to some extent it could be said that through the study of physics we seek the truth of gods creation.

    What if god does exists and all of the tenants of the bible are true? Then Atheists would be seeking comfort and Christians would be seeking the truth. It is all relative.

    Science is theory that can be functionally applied to the world and has yet to be disproved. Religion is faith which cannot be functionally applied to the world, if could it would be called science and not religion.

    *Of course Einstein was Jewish and not Christian.
    Have found most christians very closed minded an unwilling to even think about other possibilities
    True. I believe Theists are just insecure about death, and the unknown, so they have to create this mental picture in their head of a ';paradise'; in the clouds, when in reality, there's nothing more than a pine box 6 feet under ground. Upbringing/Brainwashing plays a vital role, too.
    atheists don't believe there is a God.If they were seeking truth then they would be seeking God,

    cast not your pearls before swine
    Christians back down from discussions with non-believers because of fear. They believe that the devil is trying to seduce them with logic.
    I've been to plenty of atheists websites and I'm a Christian. However I'll only spend a small amount of time in a debate with someone because I can present plenty of historical and scientific evidence that would carry the weight of evidence in a courtroom to prove the existence of God and if a person has already made up their mind that they are not going to believe then they are like someone on a jury who has taken a bribe. It doesn't matter how much proof I provide, it's a waste of my time.

    For instance, consider this well written article about how it's scientifically impossible for life to have evolved from inanimate matter with no intelligence directing it. If you can't at least say something like ';Well, it has a lot of good points and I guess it's possible that God or some other super intelligence is responsible for life here on earth'; then why should I waste my time and efforts?


    DNA Double Helix: A Recent Discovery of Enormous Complexity

    The DNA Double Helix is one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. First described by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, DNA is the famous molecule of genetics that establishes each organism's physical characteristics. It wasn't until mid-2001, that the Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics jointly presented the true nature and complexity of the digital code inherent in DNA. We now understand that each human DNA molecule is comprised of chemical bases arranged in approximately 3 billion precise sequences. Even the DNA molecule for the single-celled bacterium, E. coli, contains enough information to fill all the books in any of the world's largest libraries.

    DNA Double Helix: The ';Basics';

    DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a double-stranded molecule that is twisted into a helix like a spiral staircase. Each strand is comprised of a sugar-phosphate backbone and numerous base chemicals attached in pairs. The four bases that make up the stairs in the spiraling staircase are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). These stairs act as the ';letters'; in the genetic alphabet, combining into complex sequences to form the words, sentences and paragraphs that act as instructions to guide the formation and functioning of the host cell. Maybe even more appropriately, the A, T, C and G in the genetic code of the DNA molecule can be compared to the ';0'; and ';1'; in the binary code of computer software. Like software to a computer, the DNA code is a genetic language that communicates information to the organic cell.

    The DNA code, like a floppy disk of binary code, is quite simple in its basic paired structure. However, it's the sequencing and functioning of that code that's enormously complex. Through recent technologies like x-ray crystallography, we now know that the cell is not a ';blob of protoplasm';, but rather a microscopic marvel that is more complex than the space shuttle. The cell is very complicated, using vast numbers of phenomenally precise DNA instructions to control its every function.

    Although DNA code is remarkably complex, it's the information translation system connected to that code that really baffles science. Like any language, letters and words mean nothing outside the language convention used to give those letters and words meaning. This is modern information theory at its core. A simple binary example of information theory is the ';Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.'; In that famous story, Mr. Revere asks a friend to put one light in the window of the North Church if the British came by land, and two lights if they came by sea. Without a shared language convention between Paul Revere and his friend, that simple communication effort would mean nothing. Well, take that simple example and multiply by a factor containing many zeros.

    We now know that the DNA molecule is an intricate message system. To claim that DNA arose by random material forces is to say that information can arise by random material forces. Many scientists argue that the chemical building blocks of the DNA molecule can be explained by natural evolutionary processes. However, they must realize that the material base of a message is completely independent of the information transmitted. Thus, the chemical building blocks have nothing to do with the origin of the complex message. As a simple illustration, the information content of the clause ';nature was designed'; has nothing to do with the writing material used, whether ink, paint, chalk or crayon. In fact, the clause can be written in binary code, Morse code or smoke signals, but the message remains the same, independent of the medium. There is obviously no relationship between the information and the material base used to transmit it. Some current theories argue that self-organizing properties within the base chemicals themselves created the information in the first DNA molecule. Others argue that external self-organizing forces created the first DNA molecule. However, all of these theories must hold to the illogical conclusion that the material used to transmit the information also produced the information itself. Contrary to the current theories of evolutionary scientists, the information contained within the genetic code must be entirely independent of the chemical makeup of the DNA molecule.

    DNA Double Helix: Its Existence Alone Defeats any Theory of Evolution

    The scientific reality of the DNA double helix can single-handedly defeat any theory that assumes life arose from non-life through materialistic forces. Evolution theory has convinced many people that the design in our world is merely ';apparent'; -- just the result of random, natural processes. However, with the discovery, mapping and sequencing of the DNA molecule, we now understand that organic life is based on vastly complex information code, and such information cannot be created or interpreted without a Master Designer at the cosmic keyboard.

    Atheists offer facts to support their opinions; theists offer their opinions (the bible) to support their opinions.


    The last question I posted was in direct response to a Christian's comment that he had ';never lost a debate'; on the subject of Christianity. It appears he never lost a debate because he never engaged in one. I'm still waiting for him to answer that rather simple question.
    It is ridiculous to believe that all Atheists or all Christians do or are anything. Atheists and Christians are large groups of people with a wide variety of beliefs, attitudes, and biases in each group.

    There are Christians who love to debate and their are Atheists who don't want to get into it and vice-a-versa.

    There are websites, and talk shows, and massive written apologist works that continue this age old debate over and over and over again.

    So, False. Some Athiests seek the truth and are willing to debate, or pray, or read, or whatever to pursue it. Some Christians also. Some Athiests and some Christians are not interested in truth and some feel they have found truth and are not interested in wasting more time seeking.
    Why should Christians debate Atheist?

    What's the point?

    We know we are right, and they think they are.
    I have the truth of God's word already and the truth has set me free. Why would I be searching in delusions?
    I don't think it's a matter of who is right and who is wrong.

    Many Christians believe they already know the truth, so debating with a truth seeker isn't really necessary.

    There are MANY truth seeking Christians. Some of whom will debate just about any aspect of their faith, but not if the other side insists that nothing they have to say is important because it begins with the belief in what you think doesn't exist.

    I'm convinced that most athiests believe the way they do because the only ';face'; of God they have been presented with is the face shown by the worst of God's followers.

    Anybody can discount the entire Bible because some of it doesn't make sense, but it contains a lot of wonderful, very old principals. It describes the human condition without apology and eventually explains the way to get beyond that human condition and enjoy the experience Adam had before the original sin. A personal relationship with God.

    I don't see anything wrong with that. It's not about comfort, it's about spirituality. If many Christians don't get it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
    Christians found the truth, the way, and the life. Your question insults my intelligence, how would I know what a non believer seeks. Ask a cow or a squirrel. God Bless
    Hummm...well then I suppose you have not been around too much. There are lots of web sites where Christians debate Atheists. Like or or to name just a couple. A true Christian is never afraid to hear what any other person has to say, whether it is cults or Atheist. We ALL as human beings seek a source of comfort, it is our nature. However to have a relationship with Jesus Christ is more than comfort it is freedom from the oppression of fear.

    To find out about the truth one must always keep an open mind.
    Atheist do they believe in God?if they don't then it doesn't matter what they think to me because how can you not believe in God and sit here talking about him,that is a total disrespect,maybe that is why we back down or we just don't go their to debate any thing about God with someone who is blind to see the truth,and an idiot for not believing.
    Yeah, totally false. In my experience, most atheists haven't read the Bible. Many educated atheists have, and I applaud them, but most atheists aren't so well educated.

    In my experience, most atheists simply want to live how they want to live (seeking comfort) which is why they reject God outright because then they might have to live for something other than themselves. At the same time, Christianity is hardly comfortable. We have peace and joy, but rarely comfort.

    You're more than welcome to pay me to go to atheist websites. They don't indimidate me in the slightest. And I won't back down from any debate and I've never lost one with any atheist, educated or not.

    Ever notice how all of them are busy talking about something they don't believe? Doesn't that strike you as odd?

    Who's the greater fool, the man who believes in a God he's never seen, or a man who's offended by a God he doesn't even believe in?

    You can send payments to my PayPal account...
    A lot of Atheists have actually upfront confronted me. I do seek the truth, and when I answer them about evolution and how it's full of lies, they get defensive. For a fact, Darwinism is a belief system protected by the government. I'm willing to back up my beliefs. I'm even willing to die for them, that's how much I trust my Truth. Are you?
    If atheists are seeking the truth, then why haven't they realized that there is, in fact, a higher power? How could matter, people, the world, have just appeared? I think they're seeking an affirmation of their beliefs (or rather non-belief in a higher power, or God). Christians seek comfort? I'm not sure what you mean by that. I think EVERYbody, regardless of religion or belief, seeks comfort or peace of mind, if you will. You're obviously coming from a different place than I, because I don't know any Christians who back down from a debate with atheists or agnostics.
    1 John 5:7

    For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are ONE.

    1 John :8

    And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in ONE

    Matthew 28:19

    Go ye therefore, and teach allnations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

    Acts 2:38

    Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    False, I seek the Truth, and I am a christian. As for atheisism, at one point I was agnostic. Now, I am convinced without a shadow of a doubt that there is a God, and that I serve Him.
    Give them a break! Religion assumes faith so from the very beginning it is anti-reason.... it appeals to some other faculty. It is wrong for believers to even try to reason because they are beginning from a position of unreason (faith) and thus making the enterprise itself faulty.

    If an agnostic or an atheist were reasoning for or against God it makes sense because their premise itself is not to begin with belief or faith but doubt.

    If you are driven by this other faculty (some supernatural experience which has overwhelmed you), as long as you don't impose it on others, it is perfectly fine... and you can share it with those who r similarly abled or everyone interested...just as that.

    But leave the realm of reason aside because you make wild asses of yourself out here!!
    As a Christian I believe that apart from God Holy Spirit any reading of the bible ill be fruitless for the most part. The Holy Spirit is called the comforter by Jesus who declared Himself to be the ';Truth';

    So I believe that it is the comforter Himself that reveals truth to those who seek it in Gods holy scriptures.
    I'm a Christian, and I seek both truth and comfort from what the bible says. For instance, I believe 6/6/06 is a possibility for the world to end [but we really don't know]. I think it is both fightening and comforting.

    Is it true that cats know when their owner is sad, and tries to comfort them, and how do they do that?

    Cats have extremely senses when it comes to their owner's feelings. They can tell if their owner is mad, happy, sad and even depressed. It's just some thing that comes naturally to them. They can and do try to comfort their owners.Is it true that cats know when their owner is sad, and tries to comfort them, and how do they do that?
    All animals are highly instinctual and one aspect of instinct is to detect changes in the emotions of the other animals (including humans) around them. It is key to their survival in the wild (it's one way they determine what other animals are predators or dangerous).

    Mammals are social animals and through the contact of their mother and siblings at birth, learn to react to the emotional states of the animals around them. Your body language, tone of voice and other indicators are different when you are upset than when you are happy and your pet can sense that.

    As mammals, we spend crucial developmental stages with our caregivers that teach us (animals and humans) how to react when one of our ';family'; is in distress. When a kitten is hurt or upset, most mother cats will rub and lick it to sooth it. Thus the kitten learns to use this same technique to sooth it's siblings and even it's owners. If the mother cat was not available during these crucial stages or did not sooth or comfort it's kittens (sometimes if the mother is very young, it won't understand to comfort the kitten) then the cat may react with fear and run and hide.

    Depending on what it learned from it's caregivers when it was going through it's emotional development will determine the reaction it will have when it senses distress in its owner.Is it true that cats know when their owner is sad, and tries to comfort them, and how do they do that?
    I believe it's true. My cat, Lexi always knows when I'm sad. After the break up I had with my ex, Lexi stayed on my lap and nuzzled me with her head often. She didn't leave me until I smiled, and she'd come find me every so often to make sure I was okay. She doesn't ever purr loud, but at night time she would sleep close to me, and purr loud enough for me to hear her. It sounds strange but, she'd climb up on me and put one paw on each side of my shoulder, and then put her head under my chin like she was giving me a hug. If I wouldn't of had her, the break up would of been worse. She is my little angel, and I love her to death.
    My cat, Gizzy, often sleeps at the foot of my bed at night but when she knows I am sad she sleeps with her head on my hands or arms if they are outside of the quilt. If my arms are under the quilt she sleeps with her body in contact with mine over the quilt, usually the small of my back. Or if I am not in bed she'll sit on my lap curled up, but again with a paw on my arm or hand with constant looks of's okay Mum, I am here and I love you.
    I don't know exactly ';how'; they know. I guess they are just good at reading their people. But I believe it is true that they will comfort us when we are sad. My cat, Tigger, knows when I am upset and he will not let me be alone until I feel better. He will go to the extent of following me to the bathroom and crying/scratching at the door until I let him in. Then he will just sit and stare at me like, ';Ok Mom, I'm here. All is good.'; lol. Cats are amazing!
    I sometimes think animals have like extra sensory perception. My dog and cat both could tell when I was upset. Especially my dog she would never leave my side she would even cuddle with me. My cat was the same way, he would come lay in my lap or if I way laying down he would lay on my back or my stomach and purr really loud, almost as if he was trying to comfort me.
    i don't know how they do it.

    they must have some kind of 6th sense.

    my cats always know when i'm ill...even if it's something like a it's not a visable illness.

    if i'm in bed they always keep checking i'm ok...they take turns!

    my cats always comfort me when i'm crying...even if it's only cause of something on TV.

    they always know when i need a cuddle.

    i have severe depression and they always know when i'm in a very bad depressive mood...esp' when i'm suicidal.

    they've kept me alive, but they'll never know it.
    I think they can. It may be a sixth sense, but I think it's more that they read body language and understand it better than we people do. When I was in bed dying from cramps because my midol wasn't working, my cat jumped up on the bed and laid down on my shoulder purring as a sort of moral support.
    I really don't know. I haven't had much experience with cats but I have with dogs %26amp; they certainly seem to know.My husband %26amp; I both have Menieres disease %26amp; if either of is is having a bad day the dogs must sense it because they always stay close to us.
    yes it is...dogs and cats have a 6th sense. i have had quite a few cats that would do that..mine does now (flame point siamese) and both of my dogs do that...they always come and lick me when im sad and they'll put their head on my lap.
    Well, how do you know when someone is sad, if they're not telling you?

    They look sad, right?

    That's what the cat sees, and responds to. When I'm sad, my cats stay near me, and look worried.
    I had minor surgery a couple of months ago and was in some pain for four days, and my cat was the most loving she has ever been - she even sat with me two nights, which she never does.
    When I am sick.. (say with the flu) my 3 cats take turns laying with me. They are very faithful doing it too. the entire time I am sick..

    Under normal conditions they don't do this.
    yes because when i used to cry my cat dasher would come up to me and lay with me for awhile.....same with my dog she would lick my tears away

    Is it true that George W. Bush pours Southern Comfort on his Cheerios? ?

    Is it true that George W. Bush pours Southern Comfort on his Cheerios? Is it true that George W. Bush pours Southern Comfort on his Cheerios? ?
    yes people tend to forget that he was a drunk and a drug Addict still most americans tend to have that forgetful gene they might not sleep if they remembered what they have done in this world.Is it true that George W. Bush pours Southern Comfort on his Cheerios? ?
    Actually, he gave up alcohol when he was 40.鈥?/a>
    If this is true, we have two more examples of waste by Bush.
    hahahaha SoCo with Cheerios please... lol
    As long as there are no follow up questions on this, i would have to say yes absolutely 100% true!
    That is a gross misrepresentation of the facts! He USED to.
    He did in his college days. Not sure about now; he's allegedly sworn off of the bottle.
    He Spills it on his Cheerio's.
    Maybe, but who cares. It's his personal life and not ours!

    ohh and if I heard right he gave all that up.
    one sec i'll just go and ask him..

    Comfort food theory. Do you think this is true?

    I was talking with my boyfriend the other day about food cravings and he made this statement, ';Women's comfort foods tend to be frozen treats or something else they don't have to prepare for cooking. Men's comfort foods usually are something their mother or grandmother would make them when they were a kid.';

    What do you all think of this? Is it true for you? It is for me my comfort food is the Triple Chocolate Dove Ice Cream Bars.Comfort food theory. Do you think this is true?
    Interesting theory you have there. Might it also be age based or a food item we love and do not have often? Mine are any of the foods my Grandmother made, and my Mother's Chocolate Drop cookies. My family had very few meals or deserts that were not homemade, that could be a reason why my comfort foods are the homemade.Comfort food theory. Do you think this is true?
    I disagree, everybody is different and to make such a general assumption is very closed-minded.
    Yes I agree with him.

    Mine are mac %26amp; cheese and meatloaf.

    The better half will have a hot fudge sundae with extra whip cream.
    Coffee-cake....mmm...just like Mom makes....
    No I disagree. My favorite comfort food is hashbrown casserole, because it is cheesy and starchy. My daughter's is Kraft mac and cheese, so I would say it depends on each person.
    Yeah that sounds like it could be true.

    However my comfort food is something my Mum would have cooked or things I don't eat a lot of, like mashed potatoes.
    Not for me. Mine is usually fetichinni alfredo.

    My boyfriends is a Texas cinnamon bun the kind at the gas stations. I don't like ice cream and only eat chocolate about every three months.

    I've never been accused of being normal though.

    Is it true that dirty comfort rooms causes UTI? and ?

    is it true that dirty comfort rooms causes UTI? and when a girl use a comfort room then her vagina is open then unlucky someone before her used that Comfort room then his seimens is there. do u think there is a tendency that the girl got pregnant?Is it true that dirty comfort rooms causes UTI? and ?
    Maybe a uti if the room was very dirty, but not pregnancy just from sperm being in the room, it takes more then that to get a girl pregnant also sperm dies once it hits air.Is it true that dirty comfort rooms causes UTI? and ?
    no not at all
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