Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true love when you keep going back to the same person or do you just feel a sense comfort and stability?

I think it is a sense of comfort or stability... Remember why you left that person or why they left you??? Keep that in mind the next time you want to go back with them...Is it true love when you keep going back to the same person or do you just feel a sense comfort and stability?
Can be both.Is it true love when you keep going back to the same person or do you just feel a sense comfort and stability?
Comfort %26amp; stability. Paople are creatures of habit.
probably comfort
could be...

';better the devil you know';
Probably comfort and stability. Ask yourself what the reasons are that you keep leaving this person in the first place. Human beings can become very addicted to other human beings' pheromones.
it definately is true luv.cuz if it wasnt u would hav moved on or just went back once
I don't think it is always true love. I think you have to pick apart your feelings for the person. If you are doubting your feelings then what does that tell you? Maybe there is a reason you have doubts. Sometimes people stay together just for the simple fact that they are with each other, it's hard to break the mold.

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