Friday, February 5, 2010

TRUE OR FALSE: Money can't buy happiness but it can provide comfort; however, greed will only lead to misery?

This is the most true statement in the world. I was born into wealth and was lucky enough to earn a very good amount of money on my own. I have learned that money is not the key to happiness, God, family and friends are. Money CANNOT buy love or happiness. People who think it can are so wrong. I think I am happy because I know that everything I have I owe to God and know that I have to continue to give back each and everyday. I take absolutely nothing for granted.

Peace, Love %26amp; HappinessTRUE OR FALSE: Money can't buy happiness but it can provide comfort; however, greed will only lead to misery?

I have a few ';wealthy miserable friends';

and I watch the greedy ones, as they go broke, and loose

all friends, and hope for happiness!TRUE OR FALSE: Money can't buy happiness but it can provide comfort; however, greed will only lead to misery?
I don't care to, much for money

Money can't buy me love

Can't buy me love

Everybody tells me so

Can't buy me love

part one is true, part two is false, because life is unfair. Bad people sometimes win in the game of life!
totally true, Sylvester
Very true. I don't know one very rich and totally happy person, and prolly never will..
True, true. The way of the world in a nutshell.
That is true

that is very true.
I totally agree with you on that

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