Friday, February 5, 2010

Is one of these the true reason why you find so much comfort in your religion?

i) There's a big daddy in the sky who will take care of you. (';Apple pie in the sky by and by'; as the song says)

ii) It easier than giving the subject any real thought. ( All the thinking has already been done for you, it's written down in a book and all you have to do is believe.)

iii) The truth that there is no god and humanity cannot rely on anything to save it but its self is frightening to you.

Since in all their long history believers can come up with no better argument than faith (i.e. ';if I wish hard enough god will pop into existence';), where does the belief in god come from?Is one of these the true reason why you find so much comfort in your religion?
no ...we are born again with wisdom and spirit...dont mockIs one of these the true reason why you find so much comfort in your religion?
Christianity does not teach that Christians get an easy ride; in fact, it stresses that believers may well undergo great suffering in this life. It also makes people aware of their fallenness, of their sinfulness, and that can hurt. For all the comfort that Christianity offers in terms of eternal security, even its teachings about eternity have a downside; many Christians face the painful experience of expecting close friends and relatives to face just punishment for their sins.

If believers were really just after comforting beliefs, then they could do a lot better than Christianity. For example, they could believe that suffering is just an illusion, that there are no moral constraints that oblige us not to do what we want to do, and that all (not just Christians) are destined to enjoy a blissful afterlife in heaven.

These beliefs, though, are all seen as heretical by the Christian church. Why? Because Christianity isn鈥檛 mere wishful thinking
Trust. I trust God.

I don't find comfort in religion.
Sorry, those are all dumb reasons. Couldn't you come up with some more realistic reasons? My faith is at a level of knowledge. Just Like I have never been to Manchuria. My heart and mind tells me there is a Manchuria. My faith is actually Knowledge, becuase the spirit of the holy Ghost has testified to me that Jesus is the Christ. There is a loving, kind Father in heaven. I know there is a holy Ghost, because I have felt his prescence many times when I have prayed and when I have not. I have received visions and revelations that have confirmed and made my knowledge stronger. YOu nor any other person in this world can take this away from me. It is part and parcel to me. I feel sorry for you.
All three reasons are valid dear.

There is also a psychological reason that is important:

When you suffer from schizoid delusional mental disorder, it's comforting to meet other people that share the same delusions...
Can you disprove the existence of God?
religion is the ';opiate of the masses,'; and strongly discourages thinking, which is why atheists are constantly bombarded with the same question relating to evolution and why monkeys still exist. To believe in god as defined by man's invention of him, the self must be denied; it is a degeneration of the power that the human mind possesses.
Your question presumes that the primary motivation for faith is comfort. This is a western idea that is largely influenced by the ninteenth century theologian, Frederich Schielmacher-- it is not a constant, or a universal catagory that applies to universally to religion. As far as the origin of belief in God or gods, there is also no generalized principle that applies across the board to all spiritual traditions. Theorists such as scholar Walter Burckert hold an orientation towards religion to be inherent in human biology (see his ';Creation of the Sacred';). Rene Girard has some interesting theories in his work ';Violence and the Sacred'; But these postulation has little to say about the veracity of particular religious claims.

For many, belief in God originates in the experience of the contingent nature of finite reality, which seems to presuppose a non-contingent reality to account for its existence. This non-contigent reality is identified by some as God. Others note the mystery of the intelligibility of existence, that we can know reality and discern meaning indicates a logic from which the universe owes its existence. This logic, is what some call God.
The belief in god comes from fear and ignorance of the unknown. Since the dawn of man, we've been attributing what we fear and don't know to a god. It storms, the earth quakes, God must be angry. It's sad really!
None of these are my reasons. It would be much easier to ';believe'; that we are in control. It would be much easier for me to say I have to answer to no one for my actions.
No not any of them
Ahah, High Five!

There all so true.

Im not religeous..

Because god isnt real.

People just pray to him to give them someone to pray to,*my friend can put it in good words, but she not here right now xP*

And when people say ';can you prove that the exsistance of his isnt real?';

You say ';can you prove hes acually there?
';There's a big daddy in the sky who will take care of you.';

I don't think of God like that, I think of God as something that knows we can be better then what we are now because of sin and who died to show us how love should be.

';It easier than giving the subject any real thought.';

I've given the subject a lot of thought, and every time I do, I come back to God as right.

';The truth that there is no god and humanity cannot rely on anything to save it but its self is frightening to you';

No, I do believe that while God may help us in some circumstances, it's ultimately up to people to do it themselves.

As for being afraid there is no God. No, I've never been afraid to think that way, I used to be an atheist. I do however, believe you are afraid of the possibility that there is a God.
I find it hard to believe humans are an accident. Take a basic anatomy course. The exact precision required in and between each organ to keep you alive suggests there is something behind the human design.

Where does your belief in evolution come from. Do you find it scary that humanity's destiney is out of its oewn hands? Do you think that because something is published in a scientific journal means it is automatically right? Do you like the idea that there will be no retribution for the crimes you've committed on earth?

Do you see how esy these blatant insults can be turned around?

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