Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that money can't buy happiness, but you can be miserable in comfort?

Yes I agree with that. Although I do think I would be a little happier with more money. I do find that there are a lot of rich people who complain that they don't have everything. I think if you are materialistic then money might buy you happiness but I also agree with the dude who said about people on really high incomes living pay0check to pay-check because they are just so rubbish with money. That really annoys me. It's so unfair that someone with a 6 figure income chooses to live like that but someone like me, who is really good with money, has real problems sometimes.Is it true that money can't buy happiness, but you can be miserable in comfort?
Yes, my mother always used to say, money can't buy happiness, but it's darned hard to live without it.Is it true that money can't buy happiness, but you can be miserable in comfort?
Money can't buy happiness, but saving money brings happiness.
i think you know the answer to that

Having a lot of money can't bring happiness. But creating money means having money after a lot of hard work or smart work can give happiness.Being miser in comfort may help you in some manner can give you benefit for e.g. sometimes we buy unnecessary things at that time miserness really helps us but to be miser in some manner can hurt yourself .According to me money can only buy happiness because it is the sign of inteligence of man. He creats the money. Money can be only in their hands who have brains .Man has got brain %26amp; he uses it .Hence money can't buy happiness it brings happiness if it has came from right way
money can't buy happiness, but it can make a person happy.
not really.

if you had no money you wouldnt beable to buy a computer to ask this simple question
There is very little correlation between income and happiness. See this study:鈥?/a>

I have also read studies indicating that happiness actually declines above certain income levels: in general, people appear happiest when their income provides for their basic needs and provides security and stability with sufficient funds for some pleasure uses. Above that level, the pursuit and management of the higher income levels tends to produce enough stress to offset any potential gain from the additional income. Basically, middle to upper-middle class individuals tend to report the highest levels of satisfaction with their lives.
It all depends on your values and beliefs. If you truly think that things and a superficial lifestyle will bring you happiness, no matter what, then yes, money can buy happiness. For others, however, as long as they're with the ones they love and have good health, they don't need material goods to be happy. It's all a matter of personal opinion.

I, for one, know that money itself and the things it buys doesn't, generally, make me happy. However, as someone pointed out, money bought this computer I'm on and the internet to connect me to all of my friends across the country and in other countries. Therefore, I do believe it's possible to find happiness in the things money buy. Once again, though, it's all a matter of preference and opinion and is different from person to person. You have to decide what makes you happy, and more than likely, money will have some factor or influence.
Yes, I think this is true. But in our society we delude ourselves into thinking otherwise. Let's face it; most people are really lousy at managing money. I know people with six figure incomes who live paycheck to paycheck because they don't have the self-discipline to live within their means. Also, all the marketing clowns are very good at convincing you that all you need to do to be happy is to buy whatever they happen to be selling that day.

The only true happiness is through salvation with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That's not to say your life will be perfect after accepting Christ, but it sure helps you keep things in perspective. I know some very wealthy people who appear to be very unhappy and some others of humble means who do know true happiness.
Well, money can buy me chocolate, chocolate makes me happy, so no, it's not true that money can't buy me happiness!!!!

I've not got much money and I'm not miserable either. :)
money doesn't bring happiness but it helps when you go for the messages lol
It may not buy happiness, but it does pay for the roof over my head and the food in my fridge and my fridge.
Definately true! Use Victoria Beckham as an example - does she look happy? No, she's probably very miserable in comfort!
Given the choice I would prefer to be rich and unhappy than poor and happy !
Give me all of your money and I'll test it out for you and give you a real life answer!

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