Friday, February 5, 2010

Ladies, how much do you VALUE the comfort and warmth of a TRUE friend ?

And when I say friend. I mean this. Somebody who is going to help

you when you are up, or when you are down. Somebody who is

there when you are going through an emotional storm. Somebody

who will listen to what you have to say as a person, and not judge

you. Someone who will be a shoulder for you to cry on. How much

do you value a true friend ?Ladies, how much do you VALUE the comfort and warmth of a TRUE friend ?
My husband is my best friend, a true friendship is something so precious, you should never let it go.Ladies, how much do you VALUE the comfort and warmth of a TRUE friend ?
In my entire life I only had one of those. She helped me with the fight of my life, so to speak; she helped me in the fight to save my reputation. Now, she lives over in Iran, and I have no idea, she may be dead; she was suffering from a degenerative disease when I saw her last and that was over 15 years ago.
I agree with kiki.

I only have one true friend, and value her alot.

I also have a boy friend, but he's more like my best friend, and he's really great, too. (:
I wouldn't know. I don't have one of those people in my life. It sucks. I would hope that people who have a friend like that would treasure their friendship and appreciate how lucky they are.
Whoa, eat fortune cookies much? :P

Seriously, good friends are hard to come by. I value mine tremendously.

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