Friday, February 5, 2010

Agree or disagree: If it's comforting, then it's true?

No. I disagree. Truth is a bit unsettling at times.Agree or disagree: If it's comforting, then it's true?
Yes yes! This is true! LOL

Once accepted!

God Bless!

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Agree or disagree: If it's comforting, then it's true?
Live in the truth.
Clearly not.

The most important Theological question, however, is ';if we don't know what is true, what do you think?';


Some times the truth REALLY stinks. My wife said she didn't love me. That was true. She made my life a living HELL until I agreed to a divorce.

I was in pain and suffering for 5 years. There is despair, then there is pathetic.

I was pathetic. My friends told me to kill myself so I would ease THEIR pain. They woke me up, God bless their heathen souls:)

Now I met a beautiful lady who loves me without measure, and while I wish no evil upon my ex, I am glad to have met this woman who has made me so happy.

God works in mysterious ways.
Disagree. Comforting would be - people don't die in car accidents. Truth, unfortunately, is very different.
People only believe what they ';want'; too believe.
Well, let's see.

Your spouse is cheating on you but you wish to be believe they are being faithful because doing so is comforting. So, does that mean they aren't cheating on you, then? Nope.
AD--%26gt;only goes one way, unto the END declared %26amp; written.

Edify--%26gt;Exhort--%26gt;Unto Comfort that's void of Dis-Comfort.

There is NO dis-comfort at all in ';the God of all comfort';.鈥?/a>

Edify does not puff up with both comfort + dis-comfort.

Edify isn't higher on a ladder dead ending short of enter.

Edify builds up from below, to what's right of law vs grace.

He that ascended, and higher than law law, first descended.

Charity NEVER faileth? Charity edifieth: 1Cor 8

First thing biblical ';charity'; notably does is ';edify';.

Let there be LIGHT(ONLY)--%26gt;and there was GRACE(ONLY)

The GRACE(ONLY) of our Lord J-%26gt;C with you-%26gt;all. Amen.
There are many people who cannot accept that many of their cherished concepts are delusions, or baseless myths. So for them the ';truth'; is indeed whatever comforts them. There is no blinder person then the one who WILL not see.
Disagree because it is not necessarily true.
Of course not.
disagree. you can comfort someone and lie to them.
I disagree. Some people use chemical substances to comfort them. This is just a fake. Our only true comfort is Jesus.
Heheh. I'm glad I have my lifetime supply of dough nuts to be here with me when my new 2670'; TV arrives (with the dish, of course). And it's so comforting to know for a fact that God is taking care of me, and when I die I'll go to heaven, unlike all those atheist Jews that attacked the World Trade Center.
I've rarely ever known truth to be comforting. What hurts is other peoples stupidity and hypocrisy. And there are hundreds of millions of those idiots on the earth. The madness never ends.
';God helps those who help themselves';--comforting and true.

(Actually it took me a while to think of something both comforting and true... It seems like it usually goes the opposite.)
I would agree that it is true that some things are comforting
Disagree.. being comfortable is purly subjective. Then again we could go into a philosophical debate on concepts of right and wrong .. :)
Disagree, it's an obvious logical fallacy.
Disagree. The truth is not necessarily comforting. Like, if one chooses the hell and then they will get there. Nothing comforting in that truth.
I disagree.

However, I see why you asked - it certainly seems that many of the believers here agree with it (e.g., all the ';Atheists, how can you believe there's no God? I couldn't go on if I thought life had no purpose'; posts).

I find that stunning.
Disagree, are you kidding? The truth usually hurts
I disagree. Some people use ice cream to comfort them. This is just a fake. Our only true comfort is chocolate.

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