Friday, February 5, 2010

Is that true, in this PC age, teachers dare not hug and comfort a child that falls and is hurt?

Lawsuits abound, and the worse of it is to be charged as a child molester for touching a child that hears adults discussing things and will gain attention by lying about being touched on or near private parts.Why can't we see that it is better to let kids be kids and let them learn to do things requires just so much risk and this will be the way of their life in adulthood.Is that true, in this PC age, teachers dare not hug and comfort a child that falls and is hurt?
First off you obviously have never taught school because the criminal background reports run on you through the FBI before a hire are pretty strict and rigid. Anyone with a criminal background or shady information that shows up on their report are not hired or permitted to teach.

Secondly, even with those reports being run it isn't going to gaurantee that a kid would or would not lie about a teacher doing something inapproporiate if they didn't like the teacher in question and were looking to ';be rid of them';. That has been going on for decades in schools and just now because everyone is so paranoid of things it's gotten worse.

Teachers are not permitted to touch students UNLESS the child is in need of protection from some danger while in the care of the school during school hours- such as they are getting the crap kicked out of them on the play ground by someone. Even then the teachers need witnesses and authorities are called in. Even with that you have to announce your intentions before you do something ';I'm going to pull you back and remove you from this situation'; you can't just go in and grab them. In some cases you don't do anything if there is a danger that the violence could turn on the teacher for interferring. It's a judgement call in the best interest of the student.

Now a days in schools however many have gone with a no touch policy at all even for cases like that because they are paranoid about bad publicity coming from it in the local media or someone pushing a law suit on the district. It's gotten to the point in the past years that kids aren't even afraid of authority figures or penalties for their actions anymore because they have too much freedom and too many ';rights'; given to them. It's a fine line to walk as an educator. Parents anymore get ticked if you tell their child ';no'; on something or don't throw a party for them because they put their name on their paper properly. It's ridiculous. It's made discipline and structure that once existed in schools a joke and put the kids in charge. It needs to reverse and give control back to the teachers and administration, not to the children in the school. It isn't the teachers or the school that is the problem IMHO. It's all this modern parenting garbage of ';never tell them no'; or ';don't make them sit in time out for misbehaving because they will be scarred for life'; nonsense. Kids have the idea they are entitled to everything for no effort on their part. Until that notion is destroyed it isn't going to get better. The only thing they are entitled to is food, shelter, clothing on their back and the right to a equal access education until the age of 18 under public law 142-147. That's where their rights end until they become legal adults. Until then everything else they have given to them is privilege.Is that true, in this PC age, teachers dare not hug and comfort a child that falls and is hurt?
Many older empty nest mothers and grandmothers would like to earn extra income in either working in or running a daytime child care home, but in many I heard them say that it is not worth the false accusations of child abuse that will come from a lot of finger pointers for reasons of jealousy and pure meanness. Teachers used to have better control of the classroom, but now control has been given to an uncaring government that only dumbs down to the low denominator that cares more about indoctrination than educational facts and skill development, Government does not want a wise self reliant voter to contend with to get it's regulations approved and passed into governing law, Many otherwise dedicated teachers are seeking other career vocations.
Do you have a link to one of these lawsuits that abound to support your straw man argument?

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