Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that cats know when their owner is sad, and tries to comfort them, and how do they do that?

Cats have extremely senses when it comes to their owner's feelings. They can tell if their owner is mad, happy, sad and even depressed. It's just some thing that comes naturally to them. They can and do try to comfort their owners.Is it true that cats know when their owner is sad, and tries to comfort them, and how do they do that?
All animals are highly instinctual and one aspect of instinct is to detect changes in the emotions of the other animals (including humans) around them. It is key to their survival in the wild (it's one way they determine what other animals are predators or dangerous).

Mammals are social animals and through the contact of their mother and siblings at birth, learn to react to the emotional states of the animals around them. Your body language, tone of voice and other indicators are different when you are upset than when you are happy and your pet can sense that.

As mammals, we spend crucial developmental stages with our caregivers that teach us (animals and humans) how to react when one of our ';family'; is in distress. When a kitten is hurt or upset, most mother cats will rub and lick it to sooth it. Thus the kitten learns to use this same technique to sooth it's siblings and even it's owners. If the mother cat was not available during these crucial stages or did not sooth or comfort it's kittens (sometimes if the mother is very young, it won't understand to comfort the kitten) then the cat may react with fear and run and hide.

Depending on what it learned from it's caregivers when it was going through it's emotional development will determine the reaction it will have when it senses distress in its owner.Is it true that cats know when their owner is sad, and tries to comfort them, and how do they do that?
I believe it's true. My cat, Lexi always knows when I'm sad. After the break up I had with my ex, Lexi stayed on my lap and nuzzled me with her head often. She didn't leave me until I smiled, and she'd come find me every so often to make sure I was okay. She doesn't ever purr loud, but at night time she would sleep close to me, and purr loud enough for me to hear her. It sounds strange but, she'd climb up on me and put one paw on each side of my shoulder, and then put her head under my chin like she was giving me a hug. If I wouldn't of had her, the break up would of been worse. She is my little angel, and I love her to death.
My cat, Gizzy, often sleeps at the foot of my bed at night but when she knows I am sad she sleeps with her head on my hands or arms if they are outside of the quilt. If my arms are under the quilt she sleeps with her body in contact with mine over the quilt, usually the small of my back. Or if I am not in bed she'll sit on my lap curled up, but again with a paw on my arm or hand with constant looks of's okay Mum, I am here and I love you.
I don't know exactly ';how'; they know. I guess they are just good at reading their people. But I believe it is true that they will comfort us when we are sad. My cat, Tigger, knows when I am upset and he will not let me be alone until I feel better. He will go to the extent of following me to the bathroom and crying/scratching at the door until I let him in. Then he will just sit and stare at me like, ';Ok Mom, I'm here. All is good.'; lol. Cats are amazing!
I sometimes think animals have like extra sensory perception. My dog and cat both could tell when I was upset. Especially my dog she would never leave my side she would even cuddle with me. My cat was the same way, he would come lay in my lap or if I way laying down he would lay on my back or my stomach and purr really loud, almost as if he was trying to comfort me.
i don't know how they do it.

they must have some kind of 6th sense.

my cats always know when i'm ill...even if it's something like a it's not a visable illness.

if i'm in bed they always keep checking i'm ok...they take turns!

my cats always comfort me when i'm crying...even if it's only cause of something on TV.

they always know when i need a cuddle.

i have severe depression and they always know when i'm in a very bad depressive mood...esp' when i'm suicidal.

they've kept me alive, but they'll never know it.
I think they can. It may be a sixth sense, but I think it's more that they read body language and understand it better than we people do. When I was in bed dying from cramps because my midol wasn't working, my cat jumped up on the bed and laid down on my shoulder purring as a sort of moral support.
I really don't know. I haven't had much experience with cats but I have with dogs %26amp; they certainly seem to know.My husband %26amp; I both have Menieres disease %26amp; if either of is is having a bad day the dogs must sense it because they always stay close to us.
yes it is...dogs and cats have a 6th sense. i have had quite a few cats that would do that..mine does now (flame point siamese) and both of my dogs do that...they always come and lick me when im sad and they'll put their head on my lap.
Well, how do you know when someone is sad, if they're not telling you?

They look sad, right?

That's what the cat sees, and responds to. When I'm sad, my cats stay near me, and look worried.
I had minor surgery a couple of months ago and was in some pain for four days, and my cat was the most loving she has ever been - she even sat with me two nights, which she never does.
When I am sick.. (say with the flu) my 3 cats take turns laying with me. They are very faithful doing it too. the entire time I am sick..

Under normal conditions they don't do this.
yes because when i used to cry my cat dasher would come up to me and lay with me for awhile.....same with my dog she would lick my tears away

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