Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that when a mother wakes in the middle of the night to comfort a crying child, if she does it...?

with patience and love and without uttering or thinking a single curse, then she recieves lots of sawaab? iv heard this and other things liek this. if its true, does anyone know how much sawaab? not tht im counting em up or nething n gna calculate my chances of getting into heaven lol, just out of interest.Is it true that when a mother wakes in the middle of the night to comfort a crying child, if she does it...?
of course she will in sha Allah

there is a lot of thawab/ajr/reward for a person who fullfils his/her duties so imagine how much thawab is in taking care of a baby day and night as a mother is expected to .

keep in mind that even if you do it out of love you want to please God by not commiting any sin including cursing/complaining and by not taking shortcuts that may harm the baby.

i take care of my kids because i am their mother and planned to have kids with my husband and they are my responsibility now, i also know that if i do think of Allah in every step and have the intent of pleasing him by doing my job well that i will get ajr (reward) from Him in sha Allah and i know that if i ever neglected/hurt my kids in any way then he will punish me for it .Is it true that when a mother wakes in the middle of the night to comfort a crying child, if she does it...?
I think people worry too much about doing things for the sole purpose of gaining hasanat. I think that if you do something only for that pupose for example if you help someone, you really don't want to and it's a bother to you, but you do it because you think you will get points then it will do you no good. Why can't people be good without thinking of what they can gain from it?
Siste Zainab, Assalamu Alaikum

Two statements of Rasoolallah SAW

1. Jannat is under the feet of mother

2. Answering three times repeatedly, serve your mother and

fourth time he said serve your father also

Above two Ahadith are the proof of Ajar for mother who

1. carries a baby for 9 months and go through hardships of


2. delivers the baby suffering the worst pains of life

3. Joy she gets and forgets all the babies when nurses

gives baby in her arm wraped in white cloth

4. breast feeds her for two years

5. cleans and cares for baby until grows up to take care of


Ajars of entire life can be weighted or calculated, but one should remember that a major sins or making a habit of committing a minor sins regularly can also wipe out all the Ajar we earned.

For example some one in in habit of taking loans and never paying back collects so much sins in his record that on the Day of Judgment Allah will keeping part of his/her Ajars to the lenders until nothing is left. Then if more lenders come for their money against the perso, then Allah will transfer the sins of lenders into the account of this borrower until the scale of sins goes all the way down and borrower ends us in hell.

May Allah help us live on the teachings of Islam.
This is general ruling, we can't count Thawab (or sawab)

To look after a child and suffer for it is an work of virtue. Whenever a believer gets unrest, injury and remain patient he/she gets thawab for it.
what is sawaab?? I've never heard of this. Being motherly isn't something that buys you ';brownie points'; towards getting to heaven..its just something you do...out of love.

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