Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an .......?

Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an advance on his new autobiography to be entitled '; How to Make Enemies and Kill People Without Even Trying Or How I Drank Myself Sober';? The book is also to have a short foreword from Saddam Hussein called ';Live Life And Stop Hanging Around Alcoholics';.

Will YOU read it?

Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an .......?
I would not be at all surprised!Is it true that George W. Bush has been offered 8 years' free supply of Southern Comfort Whisky as an .......?
I think you are confused. What happened is that Barrack Obama has been offered an 8 - 10 year supply of cocaine by Columbia, neighbor of Venezuela, which is run by Obama's Socialist buddy, Hugo Chavez. Obama has stated that he plans to be president for ';8 to 10 years'; so the supply should keep him the entire time.

There was another blurb about Russia providing caviar to soothe the habit of the lovely racist Mrs. Obama, but I couldn't find supporting documentation.

People will read anything. They read the trash that Obama wrote, despite the fact that Bill Ayers actually wrote the second book.

Get your facts straight. Things will make far more sense to you then.
Wonderful idea. However I think southern Comfort may be a little cheap - don't you. What about a proper Scottish Malt Whisky - but the best of those whiskies probably don't make sufficient to supply 8 years free to GWB!

Great question though - at least somewhere in the world a sense of humour is flourishing.
Surely you can come up with something better than that. How about:

Dubya - Yea, I done it, and I'd done it again if given the chance!

Ya know what, if you cleaned up the grammar and spelling...

Clinton - Yeah, I did it, and I'd do mean it again if given the chance!
Well if Bush touched it, it must be bad! I would stay away from it. However i might be intrigued to read the part from Saddam Hussein he sounds like a pretty popular guy :). At least more popular then the voted, worst president in history. What was 27% lmao.
It will be a while. I understand George has not finished reading that elementary school book he was trying to read during 911.
Oh i heard it was called How to avoid the men in white coats while saving the world.Saddam's foreword was how using the Euro bought me from riches to rags.
Southern Comfort isn't a whiskey. It's a liqueur derived from whiskey.

He doesn't drink and won't be tempted by such an offer.

I think the book that will sell well is going to be:

';How I am a Black Racist who think the Constitution needs to be trashed'; by Obama

That started off moderately humorously but, sadly, degenerated.

were you on Southern Comfort?
Did you just ask me if I would read a piece of literature authored by George Walker Bush?

Hell yes , I will read it . I believe anything about Bush .
People will believe anything.
Silly and child like
Oh, pl can someone put some cyanide in it?

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