Friday, February 5, 2010

Is it true that nurses aren't supposed to talk to or comfort a patient that cries?

My friend told me that when he was in the hospital last week that he was getting emotional being in there but the nurse just avoided him. All she did was check his tubes and w/e else she had to do. But she never said one word to him or even looked at him. I thought nurses were supposed to help and be a support system, not just check tubes or w/e they do.

Was this nurse just a ';rare case.'; I would think most nurses are a little more compassionate.Is it true that nurses aren't supposed to talk to or comfort a patient that cries?
No, that is not true.Is it true that nurses aren't supposed to talk to or comfort a patient that cries?
Not all nurses are like that. My daughter is a nurse and she is very sweet to her patients. I guess some see it as a paycheck.
In the past, the medical profession was told to stay emotionally detached from the patients. They were told that unless they did, they might not give the best care. The rationale was, that if you got upset or involved emotionally you did not have 100% of your mind on thinking about the care that was needed.

This is just...B.S.

Sympathy, means feeling the same as the patient. Empathy, means being able to understand why the patient (and family) is feeling the way they do.

Sympathy might make you not have a fair view point, and so not see all choices equally so that you could choose the best for the patient. Empathy helps the patient know you have heard them, value them, and it validates them.

In fact, patients are much more likely to sue a hospital, doctor and nurse, that they feel has not respected how they feel. Even if a doctor has totally screwed up, and has shown that he cares, and is honest with the patient and the family; most of the time the patient does not sue, even when they have a great case. So even doctors are getting CLASSES in how to act more caring!

Nurses ARE supposed to support all aspects of the patient (first), and their family(second). This is called holistic medicine, meaning ';whole person.'; Unfortunately, some nurse's personalities are lacking; they can not give what is not in them. This could have been the issue, or...

Some females still have issues with males getting emotional, or... She could have been very busy, and knew that the only way she could really hear him out, would have taken so much time, that she would miss getting the other patient's medications to them on time.

Have you ever been in a hospital, as a patient or visitor and wondered why it took nurses so long to answer the bell, or take grannie to the potty?

Well, the hospital has loaded most nurses down with more than they can do. Many nurses, not only want to be there for the patient and speak with them, and comfort them (because this is what they got into nursing for in the first place, it makes them feel important, good, be ';there'; for others) but when they are given too many patients, too many ';other'; jobs like cleaning, stocking, running errands (instead of having access to an inter-hospital delivery staff); that leaves no time for the patient and the family.

They have in their minds, I've got to get to Ms. Y and do the dressing change..I've got to take Mr.M to the bathroom and that always takes 30 minutes because he moves so slow and insists on doing everything himself...I've got to go help the new doctors that can't find anything and who are calling my boss right now saying that instead of helping them am in this room.... Get the idea?

I am sorry she wasn't ';there for him.'; She should have been...but perhaps she couldn't... I am hard on nurses in these sections, when it is clear that they should be doing better...but unfortunately, until you see what is behind the behavior (lord her own husband could have just run off, or her father could have died of the same thing your friend had...and she had nothing she could say that would have not scared him just can't tell.

If she did not look at him, she probably recognized his emotional pain and was avoiding it. If this happens to you, say, ';I am really upset about_____ could you give me a few minutes, or come back latter?'; You can even say, ';can you spend some time with me and let me talk to you about how I am feeling, or can you get someone who will?';
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